
New member
For those wondering "how long by mail?":

Day #1, Friday. Mailed app from western USA to M-A-C, Toronto.
Day #15. Called CS to confirm whether or not the application was received. CSR said it was not yet in the system, that doesn't mean it wasn't received, and could take up to six weeks to show up in the system.
Day #28. Saw debit from M-A-C on online bank statement dated for that day. Yay.
Day #40. Received "Welcome" email from M-A-C Pro containing ID#.
Day #47-ish. Card and supporting materials arrived in mail.

Edit: From prior posts, I thought I was supposed to be able to call CS and get my ID# once I saw the debit, but that was not the case.

For those wondering what docs other people have sent: my completed app (CC payment option,) state issued ID, my business card specifying MUA as title, my credit as MUA on a call sheet on production company letterhead (TV.)


Well-known member
WOW, congrats hun! I mailed my app in over 2 weeks ago. =( I hope to hear from them soon.
Okay, so i faxed in on 7-4-11:
my ID
my application
composite card
2 business cards
professional letter of reference

On 7-5-11:
I was approved.. ( yay!!)

On 7-6-11:
My PRO Card was mailed

and now im anxiously waiting : )


Well-known member
It took a lot to get the card. In the end, I sent a tear sheet, a letter from the events organizer for whom I do makeup work and both of our business cards. Here's my advice, based on the time it took for me to do this and some e-mails from MAC: *They need references for ongoing work. It doesn't matter if you have a thousand letters, one of them needs to be a current employer. *Get tear sheets! It's not as hard as you'd think. Do enough faces to send an e-mail to a publisher of a new and/or free local publication. You want the tear sheet? You may have to work for free. It's called TFP, Trade For Photographs. That's a paying dues-type of thing. *Work with a theater group? Get them to write a letter. *Do enough faces for a website. I'm working on this right now. The type of work that I've done is mostly promotional and political. *Strip clubs sometimes use makeup artists as well...just saying. I've heard that the money can be good, but that some of the dancers will try to stiff you. It helps to know how to do hair extensions. I wonder if a current employment letter from a strip club would work better at UD, though, ;-). *They won't even look at you without a business card. I got that from someone at MAC. *It can take more than one application. They're inundated with people from EvilBay who want to resell and people who, quite frankly, just want a discount. *They get to change the rules as they feel that they need to. It's MAC's playground and they can decide which games we'll play on it. Don't complain that you're paying them for the discount, because you'll make it back. I hope this helps.


Well-known member
I hope this helps.
I'm so disgusted that this actually happens as this not only makes it harder for "true" professionals, but also it keeps the prices climbing up for everybody. I hope that MAC catches those who resell on ebay or resell to other countries.

I can only hope that MAC continues to tighten up Pro admissions, so that no fakes or sellers can sneak into the market, as it just ruins it for us all.


Well-known member
I'm so disgusted that this actually happens as this not only makes it harder for "true" professionals, but also it keeps the prices climbing up for everybody. I hope that MAC catches those who resell on ebay or resell to other countries.
I can only hope that MAC continues to tighten up Pro admissions, so that no fakes or sellers can sneak into the market, as it just ruins it for us all.
idk, i think "true" professionals have enough criteria regardless that it's not hard for them to get any discount. my 2 cents.
It took me about a month and a half to get my student PRO card.

Does anyone know if having a student PRO makes it easier to get the regular PRO card?

I'm enrolled in a MAC certified school obviously but upon graduating I might not necessarily have tons of work experience. I plan on mainly doing freelance/student/independent short film work so I will need access to PRO items.


Well-known member
hey, no it won't really help you get the full pro membership once you graduate. You'll still need the criteria that everyone else has to send in as well. good luck!
It took me about a month and a half to get my student PRO card.

Does anyone know if having a student PRO makes it easier to get the regular PRO card?

I'm enrolled in a MAC certified school obviously but upon graduating I might not necessarily have tons of work experience. I plan on mainly doing freelance/student/independent short film work so I will need access to PRO items.


Well-known member
It took me about a month and a half to get my student PRO card.

Does anyone know if having a student PRO makes it easier to get the regular PRO card?

I'm enrolled in a MAC certified school obviously but upon graduating I might not necessarily have tons of work experience. I plan on mainly doing freelance/student/independent short film work so I will need access to PRO items.
You don't need a Pro card to have access to Pro items. Good luck.


New member
Hey everyone!! New to the thread and have a few questions! I am planning on applying for my pro card, but this is NOT my full time job just something I do on the side for special occasions. I do not have a license, but i do have a business card and can get a letter of referance (I was planning on sending in 3). Does anyone know if this would suffice? Or should I also include my resume? I just don't want to get refused

edit: I forgot to mention that I will be applying under nail tech because I do more manicures and pedicures than I do makeup!


Well-known member
Hey everyone!! New to the thread and have a few questions! I am planning on applying for my pro card, but this is NOT my full time job just something I do on the side for special occasions. I do not have a license, but i do have a business card and can get a letter of referance (I was planning on sending in 3). Does anyone know if this would suffice? Or should I also include my resume? I just don't want to get refused

edit: I forgot to mention that I will be applying under nail tech because I do more manicures and pedicures than I do makeup!
I'm confused. How can you be a nail technician and not be licensed?

Or do you mean you are not licensed in something else?


New member
I'm confused. How can you be a nail technician and not be licensed?

Or do you mean you are not licensed in something else?

I do not work in a salon as a nail tech, I do it on the side and did not go to school. I have regular and new clients that I do (manicures, pedicures, acrylics and shellac). I am trying to save the money to go to makeup school, it's pretty pricey and the school I'm looking into does not have any programs to take out loans.


Well-known member
I do not work in a salon as a nail tech, I do it on the side and did not go to school. I have regular and new clients that I do (manicures, pedicures, acrylics and shellac). I am trying to save the money to go to makeup school, it's pretty pricey and the school I'm looking into does not have any programs to take out loans.

If you apply as a nail technician, you will need to send in your professional license, which I assume you have. Good luck with your application.
Hi guys, i really want to apply for a mac pro card but have a couple of questions,

Im a freelance makeup artist and also working fulltime in retail for a skincare and makeup brand called Sisley,

Would a letter of reference from my Employer(Sisley) saying i work for them as a beauty consultant and makeup artist and my
makeup artist business card be suffice to apply for a mac pro card?

Cindy xx


Well-known member
So copies of the contract you give to clients are no longer acceptable for photographers?

EDIT: I called and this is apparently the truth. Ridiculous, considering anybody can go print out a stack of business cards and pretend to be a professional. :/


Well-known member
idk, i think "true" professionals have enough criteria regardless that it's not hard for them to get any discount. my 2 cents.

Agreed. It's still sad to see that so many people think they qualify for a Pro discount because they (a) do some make up on the side, or (b) are "just" a blogger, or worse, just have a facebook page (this is ridiculous!). I don't mean to offend anybody, but if somebody doesn't earn their living doing/using make up, they do not qualify for a discount. It discredits "true professionals," so to speak.

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