
I got approved last week!! I was soo excited i finally got charged $35 by Mac yayy lol. Waiting on my email and card still but i emailed them asking for my membership ID number so i can take it to the store with my license and start shopping. I called my freestanding store and was told they'd accept that. Congrats everyone who got approved!!


Well-known member
Comp card should have some photos, your name, your title and contact info.
I made mine on Vista Print - under their postcards. It was pretty simple. And Vista Print always has coupons/discount codes.


Well-known member
Comp card should have some photos, your name, your title and contact info. I made mine on Vista Print - under their postcards. It was pretty simple. And Vista Print always has coupons/discount codes.
Made mine on vista print too and they messed them up ;( they cut one side off too much so its not centered like I made it and there's a blue spot in one of my eyes on one of the photos lol wtf


Well-known member
Any help/ advice would be great, thanks!
The reference should have information regarding your title and that you're currently an employee, might be helpful to include your start date etc "X has been a full-time TITLE since MONTH of 20xx." It doesn't have to be a novel. Definitely have it on letterhead though and signed by the owner.
You have to pick though - makeup artist or esthecitian. It will affect your discount.


New member
Is it true that you can still buy Pro products over the phone without a membership?

I am a performer and will really need a certain pro product soon.


New member
I live in Toronto so time may vary. I mailed my application Sept 3rd to the Toronto address. I saw the charge on my credit card on September 12th. I tried to call for my number but they said I have to wait for the email. Got the email on September 23rd(went to mac and used the number no problem). Final got my card today in the mail October 7th.


For New People like myself looking for timeline information. Here is mine for reference. September 24th Application was mailed with tracking. -Letter of Reference from client -Business card -Comp Card -ID -Application September 26th Application was received to the New York Address. October 8th my card was charged. No email yet. Will update with that confirmation later.


Well-known member
My card was charged Oct 2nd and I called today and she said my card was sent last week.. I asked if I have a pro number and she said yes but are they not allowed to give it to me? All she said was the email should come 7-10 business days so she said by Monday ... But from the 2nd to today is 10 business days ... There was a holiday on Monday though


I was just hired by MAC as a freelance artist. I am thinking of submitting a business card and my contract with MAC along with my application. Alternatively, I can ask one of the managers I will soon be working with to give me a letter of reference. What do you guys think?


Does anyone have any info on what kind of thing that my letter of reference would need to include?
Also, I've done shoots for a photography agency over the past year or so and will be working with them more and know the boss quite well, but I also did a few brides over the summer that I am still in contact with, which do you think would be better to get the letter of reference from?


Update: I never received a email that I was accepted. I received the card in the mail on 10/30. I checked to make sure my email address was correct and it was so IMnot sure why they never sent a welcome email.


New member
i faxed mine in yesterday and it was approved instantly. I called today and the same woman I spoke with yesterday kindly gave me my card I'd number so I can meek purchases in store. :encore:

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