MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
Just Heroine lipstick and maybe Ablaze lipstick for me.
From the description, it sounds like Ablaze has some close dupes from my sizable 2012 peach/coral/apricot/orange lipstick haul when it was color of the year.
Need. Space. For. Baking Beauties and Extra Dimension Collections!

Edited: Also looking at swatches of Embrace Me (lip liner form) in the same lighting and close to Pink Pigeon, they seem almost identical. I have 3 Pink Pigeons already so, as beautiful as it is, I'm definitely skipping it just because I already have something close.

Crediting swatch to


Well-known member
Please give proper credit to Specktra when you get your information from here. Don't steal :)

Fashion Sets April 8

Lipstick 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Heroine - Bright violet purple (Matte)
Ablaze - Bright apricot (Matte)
Silly - Bright pink (Matte)
Embrace Me - Bright fuchsia (Matte)

Lipglass 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Heroine - Bright purple
Ablaze - Bright apricot
Silly - Bright pink
Embrace Me - Bright fuchsia

Lip Pencil 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Heroine - Bright purple
Ablaze - Bright apricot
Silly - Bright pink
Embrace Me - Vivid pinkish purple

Eye Shadow 15.00 US/18.00 CAD
Heroine - Bright cobalt blue (Matte)
Ablaze - Midtone coral (Matte)
Silly - Bright pink (Frost)
Embrace Me - Blue pink (satin)

Nail Lacquer 16.00 US/18. CAD
Heroine - Bright violet (Cream)
Ablaze - Bright orange (Cream)
Silly - Bright pink (Cream)
Embrace Me - Bright fuchsia (Cream)


Well-known member
Heroine lip pencil for sure! I may also pick up Embrace Me lipglass. It's cool all the lipsticks are mattes, I know that will make a lot of people very happy!


Well-known member
Is this going to be online only since the launch date is a Monday? Thanks SO much for all the new info, Mac-Guy!

Miss Dynamite

Well-known member
Heroine Lipstick x 2
Ablaze Lipstick
Silly Lipstick
Heroine Lipglass x 2
Ablaze Lipglass
Silly Lipglass
Heroine Lip Pencil x 2
Ablaze Lip Pencil
Silly Lip Pencil
Heroine Eyeshadow
Ablaze Eyeshadow
Silly Eyeshadow
Embrace Me Eyeshadow


Well-known member
I' really glad they expanded Fashion Sets to incorporate more. It will be really fun to see these colours as eyeshadows. Am very excited!