So Chaud Not at like DLG. DLG is definitely more purply. It's bright, but it's GORGEOUS!!!
They are almost the exact same colour, with TT being a bit darker. And of course the finish is different. If you missed out on TT, get ablaze and add a bit of gloss, unless you want it matte

Ablaze pencil is a bit darker, but unless you're one that needs matching pencils, you can get away with using LS. It's just a bit lighter and a slightly different shade. Heroine is definitely more purple than than magenta, which is more, well, magenta. And yes, the textures are WAAAY different! Heroine is smooth and buttery, magenta is most definitely not that! No kidding! I had a back injury years ago that kept me from working for 4 years. I couldn't even stand for more than 10 minutes without doubling over in pain. Never officially diagnosed it (took those entire 4 years to find a fix) but i take a muscle relaxer (usually given to people with MS or spinal cord injuries) every day. I've been on it for 7 years now and i haven't had a single twinge of pain! You wouldn't believe all the tests and treatments i underwent! Back to EM, it is most definitely different than DLG. There's obvious purple in DLG that isn't in EM at all!