MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
Omg this thread is getting out of control! I hope we're still talking about makeup ladies!


Well-known member
4/20 is my boyfriends birthday also lol. He's so hype about that every year. Im like seriously dude get over it you should be used to it by now lol
Lol that's one of my friends bdays too, and loves to brag I'm like 4/20 is high school days for me lol so it's a reg day just like mine hahaha I'm so mean, but then again just like ur bf I look forward to my bday which is on Wednesday :bigstar:


Well-known member
Lol, I'm glad I'm not the only one who cleans with lipstick on! :) and thanks for your compliment. I'm sure you will like ablaze!! You definitely do need it, as I can't think of an exact dupe for it. It definitely should be part of everyone's stash. & girl, if you can get to your counter early on launch day, do so!! Heroine items are being sought out by everyone so make sure you do what you need to, to get yours!!
lol I love that!! I will be there before it opens that's for sure lol


Well-known member
Omg this thread is getting out of control! I hope we're still talking about makeup ladies! :rofl:
Yup you're right and lol we all have the same addiction here....MAKEUP for me please. I love my addiction and I'm not ashamed lipsticks for me!... Lol soooo I'm leaving right now to see if I could find that mirrored plum gloss, I'm horrible lol


Well-known member
LMFAO at the little boxing emoji thing-a-ma-bob I never noticed that one, lol like my girl CartoonChic once said kicking puppies punching babies.... Haha I clean w lipstick too... Sometimes Idk why I have the habit of testing my new stuff before bed the BF was like why do u do that I always tell him cuz I want to look good for the guy of my dreams... Hehehe while he gives me the evil eye.
I love it! I might have to use that line someday, haha!!


Well-known member
Well that's a good thing! I've always been a lip gloss girl.. just got interested in lipstick for some reason in the past six months, so I don't have many. I wore Ablaze lip combo this weekend and it is LOVE! If I don't end up loving Heroine as much, I can always sell the BU. What MAC lippies do you have in your stash? What are your favs?
I have all lippies from Reel Sexy, By Request, Marilyn Monroe, Viva Glam Nicki 1&2, plus some other collections I can't think of right now! Lets just say, I have a nice size collection! Lol! AND I tend to BU lippies!


Well-known member
Lol that's one of my friends bdays too, and loves to brag I'm like 4/20 is high school days for me lol so it's a reg day just like mine hahaha I'm so mean, but then again just like ur bf I look forward to my bday which is on Wednesday
This Wednesday? Happy Birthday girl!!


Well-known member
Yup you're right and lol we all have the same addiction here....MAKEUP for me please. I love my addiction and I'm not ashamed lipsticks for me!... Lol soooo I'm leaving right now to see if I could find that mirrored plum gloss, I'm horrible lol
Girl! You have problems!
But, in the good way! LOL! And YES! You need Mirrored Plum in your life. It's amazing! I got two backups last night at Rite Aid. SO worth it!


Well-known member
Heroine is back on Nordstrom website as a backorder
I know I sound like a broken record, but this is how I got it from Reel Sexy. I hadn't really paid attn to it, didn't even swatch it in the store and saw everyone here raving about it. I placed a backorder a few weeks after the collex launched and it was on my doorsteps days later... Place the order ladies, you never know.

I even got candy yum yum (1st edition) weeks after it launched and was sold out everywhere from Nordies. Ya never know. LOL


Well-known member
Yup you're right and lol we all have the same addiction here....MAKEUP for me please. I love my addiction and I'm not ashamed lipsticks for me!... Lol soooo I'm leaving right now to see if I could find that mirrored plum gloss, I'm horrible lol
Lol you're not that horrible. Today was my 3rd visit to Walgreens looking for it so call me looney! I'm a lipstick junkie :/ lol


Well-known member
Oh btw, I called my nordies to see if they are doing a presale for fashion sets. the lady said, i'm the product specialist and I haven't heard that yet, plus it comes out at the end of the month. I chuckled and said ok... Under my breath, I said I'll call Thursday am. I called the downtown store and they are doing presales, but did know the collex is out on Thursday.

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