MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
That's too funny!


Active member
Speaking of lipsticks being some taller and some shorter. Here are my lippies. Notice Embrace Me is shorter than the rest!? Hmm... I've only swatched them so I couldn't have used it more than the others. I've noticed this with some of my other lippies as well. I guess they just aren't consistant.



Well-known member
Speaking of lipsticks being some taller and some shorter. Here are my lippies. Notice Embrace Me is shorter than the rest!? Hmm... I've only swatched them so I couldn't have used it more than the others. I've noticed this with some of my other lippies as well. I guess they just aren't consistant.

Strange how it's EM that looks so short, while that is the longest of mine.


Well-known member
[COLOR=EE82EE]Speaking of lipsticks being some taller and some shorter. Here are my lippies. Notice Embrace Me is shorter than the rest!? Hmm... I've only swatched them so I couldn't have used it more than the others.[/COLOR] [COLOR=EE82EE]I've noticed this with some of my other lippies as well. I guess they just aren't consistant.[/COLOR] :shrugs:
I have some tall and short lipsticks as well. My moxie lipstick is short and I've only wore it 2 times.


Active member
I had a convo with a mac makeup artist through their website. I know they are makeup artists but it says they know info about their products so I thought I'd give it a shot!

Kitty: Hi, I was just going through my Fashion Set lipsticks and I find that one of my lipsticks (Embrace Me) is significantly shorter than the others. I find that with my other lipsticks as well. Is there a reason why they aren't consistent in size?
Ivan: I'm sorry to hear that you experienced this Kitty. There is not a specific reason. This specific lipstick was cut shorter than the rest. I invite you to send an email so the right executives can know that this has happened to other lipsticks. We appreciate your comments and suggestions as they are very important to us. In order for us to forward your feedback to the appropriate Executives for review, we kindly request that you email us with your comment.
So..... It was cut shorter than the rest..? Hmm..... Mine was definitely.. But how about you beauties with yours being longer than the rest?
LOL Oh well I still love mac!


Well-known member
hmmm... just checked mine, every thing has equal height, you would think they would have an assembly with equal cutting length


Well-known member
Maybe it was the same person that put fingerprints over our ED stuff. Anybody kept the fingerprint? I say we get to the bottom of this...


Well-known member
I've been buying Mac lippies for some years now and only recently I have noticed that some lippies are longer (like you can see the tip when it's new and rolled down), and there are some random shorties, too. < Yesterday I disinfected 120 lippies (the regular bullet ones that fit my 3 lipstick racks - I need a 4th one!).


Well-known member
I've been buying Mac lippies for some years now and only recently I have noticed that some lippies are longer (like you can see the tip when it's new and rolled down), and there are some random shorties, too. < Yesterday I disinfected 120 lippies (the regular bullet ones that fit my 3 lipstick racks - I need a 4th one!).  
How do u disinfected them if u don't mind me asking?


Well-known member
i do the same but i wipe the alcohol with kim wipes, it isn't good for the lipstick for the entire alcohol to dry on it.