MAC Fashion Sets 2013 Collection (April 2013)


Well-known member
My list hasn't changed one bit. I still want all the lipsticks, all the lip pencils, all the lipglasses and all the eyeshadows. I had all month to recollect myself from Archie so I can't wait!


Well-known member
Posted by Idreamofglitter on Instagram

oh snap


Well-known member
6 items is all I can afford so I'm having a hard time. narrowing it down!
I am going to try and narrow to six for myself:

Heroine - Bright violet purple (Matte) 1. MUST HAVE cannot think of any dupes
Ablaze - Bright apricot (Matte) 2. I think MUST HAVE because of the finish and color
Silly - Bright pink (Matte) Skip, dupe it or use the pencil
Embrace Me - Bright fuchsia (Matte) Skip for same reasons as Silly

Heroine - Bright purple 3. MUST HAVE, cannot think of dupes
Ablaze - Bright apricot Skip for me
Silly - Bright pink 4. GET IT. I can't really say why but it looks delish
Embrace Me - Bright fuchsia Skip b/c I think its dupeable

Lip Pencil
Heroine - Bright purple 5. MUST HAVE, I cannot think of dupes
Ablaze - Bright apricot skip for me, I think can be duped
Silly - Bright pink Skipping, there must be a dupe
Embrace Me - Vivid pinkish purple. Skipping, there must be a dupe.

Eye Shadow
Heroine - Bright cobalt blue (Matte) I think a skip, too blue
Ablaze - Midtone coral (Matte) I think skip because we will find dupes
Silly - Bright pink (Frost) 6. I think its a YES, cannot think of any dupes
Embrace Me - Blue pink (satin) Skip, I think dupes will be found

So that's six for me


Well-known member
What is everyone thoughts about Silly? do you think it can be duped? it reminds me of a bright Snob? i want to get that set but i feel like i wont use it...


Well-known member
What is everyone thoughts about Silly? do you think it can be duped? it reminds me of a bright Snob? i want to get that set but i feel like i wont use it...
I was wondering if it might be anything like naughty sauté from shop/cook? The swatch reminds me of it


Well-known member
I was wondering if it might be anything like naughty sauté from shop/cook? The swatch reminds me of it
yes that was going to be my next thought. I never got that color but if so then i may be interested in it. i mean interested now but im really curious and i dont think ill be able to see that before it comes up online.


Well-known member
I have Heroine lipstick and Embeace me lipliner already. Silly does seem the most dupeable and ablaze looks too orange to me. so I want:
heroine; lipliner and maybe gloss
Embrce me; lipstick and maybe gloss
Silky; lipliner and lipstick or gloss
Ablaze; maybe lipstick lipliner
Swatches will really help me as well as a list of dupes!


Well-known member
Omg I want it all! I knew this would happen once I saw the swatches! Must keep in mind that I only need items that are diff than those in my stash, ahh!!
I thought this collection would be an easy skip for me as I have so many lippies already. Hope I'll stay strong. I must say they all look gorgeous.


Well-known member
I've been waiting on Heroine to come back out since last year! I can't wait for this collection to launch!

My list
Heroine lipstick - x2
Heroine liner

I'm still debating on the Heroine lipglass. It's gorgeous but just to save a little bit of cash, i'll probably just pick up the new purple Maybelline gloss.

Other then that, I don't think I'm getting anything else. I already have TONS of pink lippies that I don't wear so I'm definitely skipping on Silly and Embrace Me. Ablaze was on my list until I went through my collection last night and found a couple of orangey lip colors that I need to use more often. *sigh*


Well-known member
Hi fellow Make-up Junkies

I'm down on my hands and knees begging for a CP - are any of you kind and wonderful girls willing to do a CP for a few items from this collection? I'm in Australia.

(this is the closest I could find to begging)

Just PM me if you're willing.



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