Lol and show orchid. Im praying its too similar to fawn overMaybe someone could do a swatch up comparison of CYY, PiPi, DLG and EM together? Would be awesome!
Thanks doll!! I think I'll get one because I LOVE Please Me and the fact of it being matte means I'll like the finish better than Chatterbox so yeah thank you for the help sweetiehehehe, those are my swatchesTo me, SIlly is closer to Please Me & Chatterbox. Snob is a lot lighter than Silly.
thanks for swatches, think i will get bu of heroine,albaze and silly lippies and pencils and eyeshadows maybe. Think i'm going to skip the glasses.
Can not compute this...Soooo im saying screw it and ordering heroine lg, ablaze ls and maybe es, and mayyyybe embrace me lg because i have no pink glosses. Heroine lg looked a little pinky though...i wish there were better swatches out there.
I believe shipping is free in the US right now without a code.Any free or 2 day shipping codes out? Would like to be ready for when the collection goes live!
It's not.[COLOR=800080]I wonder how ablaze compares to Booyah, I know the finish is different but the color seems to be really close[/COLOR]
Lol i know! Nothing for all my bright pinks!!Can not compute this...
Thanks guys! I hope I didn't make you lists longer... lolyou are so pretty and they all look good on you. Makes me want them all.
same here!I now want all the lipsticks and liners. Still debating which lipglasses and eyeshadows. I'm such a sucker for bright colors -_-