MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
THANKS SO MUCH!!!!    hugs for this!  me too, blue or pink reds work the best for me.   we can wear it all.  Although I love berries and plums, I try everything and pick what is best for my undertone and natural lip color.  AWWW.  anything else you need.  Did you ever get Vex? I liked the first RR so I am def going to skip CIS.  thanks for comparing i thought that was him!  He is big time over at MAC, so that event you went to Richelle.  IT in the MAC world that day!  I totally can't wait to gloss Love Goddess out.  I think its going to be a great color for me. 
Yeah, I have Vex. I love that shadow. I'm thinking about Smut. I always say I need to buy that, but then I forget. I have a ton of perm Mac shadows so it's slim pickings now. So, we're stalking now? :sneaky:


Well-known member
I had one last Pre-Order hope for a Nordstrom in my area - the manager there said "absolutely not" for ANY Marilyn pre-sales or holdings. She said they didn't get much in, so it's first-come, first-served the day of the launch! I still only want the beauty powder and Love Goddess, but I've concluded that IF I miss out on the website launch for any reason, I'm not even going to bother to get the items. It's just not worth the headache for me! I have Too Chic and Moxie which do me justice, and even though they're not in "fancy" Marilyn packaging, if I miss out on the launch, that's how it's gonna be!


Well-known member
I still only want the beauty powder and Love Goddess, but I've concluded that IF I miss out on the website launch for any reason, I'm not even going to bother to get the items. It's just not worth the headache for me! I have Too Chic and Moxie which do me justice, and even though they're not in "fancy" Marilyn packaging, if I miss out on the launch, that's how it's gonna be!
It's frustrating when your local store is tricky!


Well-known member
I will never, EVER forget being sold Oh Baby and Chestnut on my first ever trip to Mac when I decided I wanted to try makeup. I was so ready thinking they'd show me reds and pinks or things I've never even imagined and then they gave me that. True horror story and unfortunately, some of us never break out of the experience of having some salesperson hand us browns or plums to see that we can wear many other things.
Wow! I'm far from being a woman of color, but, sheesh, plum/berry and brown/chestnut - and really dark dark reds -- were colors recommended for African-American women back in the 1960s!!! And back then there weren't as many cosmetic colors available for anybody.

I thought there had been great advances in understanding the incredible range of skin tones -- not to mention colors of hair, eyes, and lips -- of WoC in the intervening 45 years! I guess some people haven't really opened their eyes.

I can certainly see from pictures that people post of themselves here that WoC look terrific in a W I D E range of colors. Play with make-up fearlessly, and don't succumb to unimaginative MUAs!


Well-known member
Wow, for how unexcited I thought I was about this collection I'm dyin now that I've seen swatches! I was thinking I'd just get the BP and a lipstick, but now I'm really feeling the BP, Love Goddess, Scarlet Ibis, and Deeply Adored (Rocker looks really nice on me, so a matte version sounds awesome! I'm just now getting into reds/vampier colors, so my collection is definitely lacking in them!) Hopefully I can narrow it down to only 2 lipsticks when I go in to swatch them though, I really don't want to try to scrape up extra funds! (*fingers crossed they all look awful on me* *why do they all look so gorgeous on everybody* *I should probably start lookin under couch cushions now* *sigh*)


Well-known member
I had one last Pre-Order hope for a Nordstrom in my area - the manager there said "absolutely not" for ANY Marilyn pre-sales or holdings. She said they didn't get much in, so it's first-come, first-served the day of the launch! I still only want the beauty powder and Love Goddess, but I've concluded that IF I miss out on the website launch for any reason, I'm not even going to bother to get the items. It's just not worth the headache for me! I have Too Chic and Moxie which do me justice, and even though they're not in "fancy" Marilyn packaging, if I miss out on the launch, that's how it's gonna be!
I feel EXACTLY the same way. I can't stress about this.


Well-known member
so you think this collection will go early on there website? maybe even tonight? im confused


Well-known member
Apparently the reason none of the stores in my area are taking pre-orders is because they're only getting three to four of each item - Stereo Rose all over again!


Well-known member
I'm trying to think of something else I can order with Love Goddess. Maybe I'll go through Mac's site and think of something. I would love another pack of Mac wipes, but last time I got them from Bloomingdales and didn't realize until later that the pack was dried out. Like, completely useless. How long did they have them there? Still a little traumatized.
There's GOT to be something else.
Oh the wipes...I just had the same thing happen with a drugstore brand too. Whats up with that. Has to be an air hole in the packaging or they've been sitting a while.

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