MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mac-Guy Embrace the Showgirl in you!


What did you end up ordering? I am hoping that people like the e/s!


Well-known member
Alright guys...I'm throwing in the towel! I've got to have faith that since the store I'm going to for the event wasn't doing any presales I'm going to be safe - but of course I'll still check the site the second I get up!


Well-known member
Maybe you can go early to the store to be on the safe side. There are always hyped products that will sell out before the end of the event, thus being there early helps to secure the items on your wish list.

Have fun at the event.


Well-known member
Just checked, and it looks like nothing is sold out yet. Deep breaths! Admittedly, I'm feeling a little stressed myself seeing people starting to order their Marilyn products. I know I put the things I want on hold at the store, but you know...sometimes mistakes are made. I'm a little nervous they might have forgotten to actually pull my stuff (I put it on hold over the phone) or that they might sell it before I get there or something. It's probably silly, but I'm thinking I'll call them Thursday morning when they open just to double check that they're definitely holding it for me. I hope they don't think I'm crazy!


Well-known member
i just placed my order. the dark red lippie, beet lip liner, beauty powder, the lightest blush, and some essentials non MM related. spent 170 bucks :/ just to avoid paying for shipping.


Well-known member
Team insomnia rocks! I am hoping for a BU of SI and the BP and that's it for me. But, I could easily be persuaded I need some e/s. After culling the stash last night, I am trying to avoid dupes. It is sort of getting out of hand...


Well-known member
Not really relevant, but I came across a gorgeous picture of Christina Hendricks and I'm wondering what red l/s she's wearing! I think CIS could possibly be similar but who knows!



Well-known member
Morning fellow Speckras!
I had a nightmare that I missed out completely on the MM and GD collections because my computer wouldn't turn on. Woke up early went to my computer (at home) and had problems. My poor kitties, I was cursing up a storm
. Finally got on the computer and was VERY disappointed that MM wasn't up yet. Stalking time from work. Fingers crossed it comes up very soon and everybody is able to get their goodies.


Well-known member
Ah screw it. Might as well get Showgirl e/s as well when it comes out in the UK!
I need to treat myself - 12 hour days at uni are killing me!
Showgirl looks beautiful... that and little rock l/g are calling out to me. Might pick them up at the store launch next thursday though as I'm not as worried about them.

I really hope it'll be online today - I'm going to a friends from 8pm-11pm so I might miss it tonight!
Might need to get my friends' wifi password and stalk a bit while I'm there with them but that seems super-duper rude haha.


Well-known member
Showgirl looks beautiful... that and little rock l/g are calling out to me. Might pick them up at the store launch next thursday though as I'm not as worried about them.

I really hope it'll be online today - I'm going to a friends from 8pm-11pm so I might miss it tonight!
Might need to get my friends' wifi password and stalk a bit while I'm there with them but that seems super-duper rude haha.
Hey, by any means necessary, right?


Well-known member
Does MAC put collections up during the day, or is it often at night? I feel like I only remember night-launches, but I'm not sure.


Well-known member
well. so much for my usual "2 and through" deal. I got another SI, DA, CIS and the BP. Still not sold on love goddess, so i'm skipping until i either get sucked into the hype, or see a swatch I like. on to the next collection, lol!

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