MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
haha people are making me feel like i need a backup of the bp.. i never back anything up... SHHHH my order is already made and i am broke now :)


Well-known member
Oh gosh - I am a wreck!

Unsure as to whether I should re-order my Macys order from this morning because people are saying they have a tendency to send an email saying they ran out of stock days after ordering ...


Well-known member
Usually Nordstrom is first to launch from online, right? Hmm. When do you ladies think it will launch? I need a BU of The Perfect Cheek.


Well-known member
I watch xsparkage too. I love her tutorials. I always end up wanting the products she uses because they look so good on her.
Right? It doesn't help she gets a bajillion of them sent to her for free. I'd be bankrupt if I bought all she uses. She's the whole reason my addiction started and probably why I love eye shadow and bright colours more than neutral colours.


Well-known member
HELP!! I ordered LG from Bloomie's today.... should I reorder it at Nordie's?? Ughh..... such hard decisions.. lol.. over make up
You better decide now before it's gone.


Well-known member
Oh my goodness I just got basically everything I wanted from Nordstrom!!

I also want PZ in the Marilyn tube but not as much as I wanted the other lipsticks so yeahhhhh

Can't wait till it arrives I will be so gorgeous


Well-known member
Yes!!! I ordered my LG, Showgirl, Preferred Blonde and Japanese Maple.

The SA told me they pull the stock from online from the stores so I am glad I didn't have to go to the madness that will be Nordstrom/Mac at Valley Fair. I need to tell my mom to have her coffee there that morning and tell me if it was crazy...Oh and my mom's name is Marilyn