MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
Love Goddess is gone from House of Fraser and I'm debating whether I want to order backups of FM now, or wait til I get my black box and can try it first!
It's "out with courier for delivery"!
I haven't seen any of the Marilyn stuff on HoF yet! I still don't. Am I missing something? Love Goddess was what I wanted most


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Mac-Guy
I knew it! "Forver Marily, the next best thing to Elude!"

It's amazing! I'm going to try and pick up a couple more - I love my MSFN, but FM blows it right out of the water


Well-known member
I almost feel bad for having bought 4 FM, but my first has a pretty big dip so far because I have used it everyday. I feel like such a hoarder and that I am keeping others from getting it, but I know at the same time that it is my dream face powder.


Well-known member
How long ago did they put it up do you know? If it was there last night and I didn't notice that's my bad. But if it's only been up and sold out while I was at work I might feel better lol
Someone posted about it today, but I'm not sure!


Well-known member
Thank you so much! I accidentally checked Specktra and saw you posting this and managed to snap up LG!  I thought the whole collection was long sold out in the US! Macerette/Pinkdollface, when do new collections normally get released on website? I'm still new to it, but would be good to know in case I get skipper's remorse for some collections.
 That's the problem. I don't know. Calling them didn't help either. They say they do not know :shock:  Officially it should be the 6th, but Douglas replied to my query saying it would be the 8th. Takes too long...
Is sure does. I only want TPC but I want it NOW! lol.


Well-known member
Ah I see someone posted like 5 hours ago that it was up. I had no way of getting it at work anyway *shrug*


Yes! I managed to get The Perfect Cheek from Selfridges, they obviously restocked. I have NEVER ordered so much from one collection before, I really hope they are all as nice as I hope they are!


Well-known member
I'm really wavering on not getting a backup of the BP, everyone that has a fair complexion seems to rave about it. Will I ever be done with this collection?