MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
I keep trying to tell myself I don't need the eyeshadows, as they are quite basic colours and I most likely have dupes for them. Then I remember that they are all Veluxe Pearl and I want them again.

I definitely want Love Goddess, but Charmed I'm Sure keeps tempting me even though I already have loads of reds, and I have also just bought some of the ArtDeco Dita Von Teese collection.

I'm almost certain I'll get the beauty powder, and both blushes are tempting me. The Perfect Cheek is a repromote, though, as far as I know. Is anyone able to compare The Perfect Cheek with Pink Cult and Pink Tea, please, or anything similar (MAC) that I might have? I really need to cut my list down somehow


Well-known member
I keep trying to tell myself I don't need the eyeshadows, as they are quite basic colours and I most likely have dupes for them. Then I remember that they are all Veluxe Pearl and I want them again.

I definitely want Love Goddess, but Charmed I'm Sure keeps tempting me even though I already have loads of reds, and I have also just bought some of the ArtDeco Dita Von Teese collection.

I'm almost certain I'll get the beauty powder, and both blushes are tempting me. The Perfect Cheek is a repromote, though, as far as I know. Is anyone able to compare The Perfect Cheek with Pink Cult and Pink Tea, please, or anything similar (MAC) that I might have? I really need to cut my list down somehow


Well-known member
I need like at least half of the James Bond collection, it looks amazing! I'm so in love with On Her Majesty's Secret Service, I might get two.

I'm still excited for this. I have my eye on the bp, blushes and red lipsticks. I think I'll skip the eyeshadows. They don't look appealing to me in the swatches we've seen so far.
Hahaa! I was happy so see this collection. I'm def going to grab a bottle of On Her Majesty's Secret Service because, literally, I am On Her Majesty's

1-3 red lippies, 1 e/s, 1 blush and BP for me.


Well-known member
I keep trying to tell myself I don't need the eyeshadows, as they are quite basic colours and I most likely have dupes for them. Then I remember that they are all Veluxe Pearl and I want them again.

I definitely want Love Goddess, but Charmed I'm Sure keeps tempting me even though I already have loads of reds, and I have also just bought some of the ArtDeco Dita Von Teese collection.

I'm almost certain I'll get the beauty powder, and both blushes are tempting me. The Perfect Cheek is a repromote, though, as far as I know. Is anyone able to compare The Perfect Cheek with Pink Cult and Pink Tea, please, or anything similar (MAC) that I might have? I really need to cut my list down somehow
Seconding this! If anyone has The Perfect Cheek, I would LOVE to see it swatched against Pink Cult.


Well-known member
MRV, thank you so much! Pink Cult looks great on my very cool-toned skin, so I can probably pass on The Perfect Cheek since it looks a little warmer. So now my MM list is: Deeply Adored l/s, Scarlet Ibis l/s, Legendary blush, and maybe the Forever Marilyn beauty powder. I'll probably spend a ton on holiday, so this is looking good to me!


Well-known member
I am really wishing the blushes and beauty powder are pigmented enough that they'll show on medium and darker skin tones. If not, I'll only be getting Love Goddess...
I hope you can use the beauty powder as a highlighter.. since I'm a light medium I guess I'll use it as an allover (t shouldn't have any glitters)


Well-known member
The only thing I may pick up is Silver Screen ES but I do want to wait for more swatches to see how it compares to other colours I have.

Audrey C

Well-known member
The Perfect Cheek looks pretty. I have enough neutrals that I'll pass (Blushbaby, Douceur, Prism), but I always am drawn to this kind of shade.


Well-known member
Even with the Holiday Collection robbing me silly, I will NOT be able to pass up on MM! Even though it MAY keep me from getting BU crazy!
Going to try the BP, at least 1 blush, all the lipsticks except PZ. And I've almost convinced myself to pass on the e/s... I have SO many neutral shadows... But seeing as I AM a Showgirl, I may need to get that one just for personal reasons! HeeHee wink


Well-known member
I got an e-mail invite today. I've never been to an event, will I be able to purchase items from the collection or pre-order only? If I can't go, will they still accept a pre-order from me?


Well-known member
I got an e-mail invite today. I've never been to an event, will I be able to purchase items from the collection or pre-order only? If I can't go, will they still accept a pre-order from me?
Yes, you can purchase at an event. Mind you, some items sell out fast during the event, so try to get an early spot.


Well-known member
I got an email invite as well, and am so amused at the line that says"enjoy cocktails and canapés". Don't know why, but that just took the lid off my giggle box this afternoon.

i think i need a nap.

not sure if I'll go to the event or not. i loathe ATL traffic on weekdays.


Well-known member
Got an event invite in the mail today. I plan on staying as far away from this mayhem as possible! I will order my goodies online and stop by the store on the release date for any final purchases. If I miss out on anything, no sweat! I will just increase my purchases from the Glamour Daze collection. I am mostly interested in the lippies, but it seems to me that ever since the Hey Sailor collection I feel like Mac keeps producing the same color collection for every collection with just some slight shade nude, one red, one orange, etc. I am starting to get bored by this color combo! I need a change already MAC! Give me something fresh, please! The MM collection is just okay for me anyways. I think it would be fun to have a few of these items since I did love MM in my teen years, but I have not been in love with any Hollywood types since my teenage years. Now give me a MAC collection based on an author or a book and I would be one of those nutso people camping outside the MAC store in 30 degree below weather!

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