MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
pinkdollface makes me want the lipstick i didnt want!!!!! :p

I want all the red lippies and BP and blushes.
Haha sorry, i didn't mean to
But it's really a nice red if you like bright lippies. I feel like the orange in it makes it brighter than most reds, but at the same time more wearable if that's possible. Maybe orange reds suit me better and that's why it's more wearable?


Well-known member
Uh oh.. my list so far:

Little Rock - Soft sheer white with pearlized pigments <-- eh, maybe

How to Marry - Soft White (Veluxe Pearl)
Preferred Blonde - Pale champagne beige (Veluxe Pearl)
Showgirl - Dark blue grey (Veluxe Pearl) <--- I won't get it if it's not that unique

Beauty Powder
Forever Marilyn - Sheer pale peach highlighter <---- NEEEEEEEED! I don't even care what it looks like on, I just would want it for pretty packaging
I collect the pretty LE beauty powder compacts

Powder Blush
Legendary - Pale soft coral (Satin) <--- depending on swatches, I'll probably like it even though I hoard too many blushes!
The Perfect Cheek - Neutral pink beige (Matte)

Nail Lacquer
Rich, Rich, Rich - Glittery gold (Pearl) <-- depending on swatches



Well-known member
I also might want one of the red lippys, but I don't wear reds and I'm not sure which one would go with my skintone.


Well-known member
Here's Scarlet Ibis over Redd lipliner. I tried to take a picture of Sail La Vie and SI side by side, but my camera sucks and can't pic up the difference, but really they are different. Maybe if you're a darker skintone not so much. I was able to take a picture of SLV by itself in the same lightning. That picture is on the right.
Those do look different. But they both look fabulous on you. I am wondering tho if SI is similar to Lady Danger? I have Lady Danger already lol.


Well-known member
So I should still get The Perfect Cheek even if I have Pink Cult?

You tease about the penultimate liner being released so often but do you like it?

Thanks for your help.
Pink Cult is definitely more rosey. IMO, it's worth having both. Do you have Sur? Maybe then you don't need TPC.

Yes, I like the P liner as it is very easy to use. However, I find that it dries up rather fast, especially as I don't use it everyday. I usually buy one when I need one for work for a few weeks, and then I toss it.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I believe Lady Danger is a bit more orange and that's why i prefer SI, but i don't think you really need both.
Now that I realize that that Redd is very similar to TMAL, I decided to test SLV with Red Enriched liner as a base. It may not be a complete dupe, but I think I'm looking at a shade that bears a strong resemblance to SI. How much red/orange can be varied depending on how much RE I use.

I'm trying very hard to be self-disciplined and not buy shades (particularly in shorter life products) that are very close to each other. I already have 15 lippies on the go (with two more in transit); I really need to focus on limiting myself to colours that are materially different than what I have (or can get to by varying the liner or adding a touch of l/g) or else I'll end up getting more than I can really use and enjoy. When a collection (not necessarily makeup) gets beyond what I can see/rotate/use frequently, I don't seem to enjoy it as much. I resorted and organized my makeup drawer over the weekend and took mental stock; I think I'm almost there.

The challenge is to not get carried away with all these new collections and to just buy the few items that I love and that fill in gaps rather than everything I like!


my list:
preferred blonde es
forever marilyn beauty powder
legendary blush

i´m kind of relieved that it´s not that much
i hope for great packaging. maybe i get one or two items more,
we´ll see :)


Well-known member
Pink Cult is definitely more rosey. IMO, it's worth having both. Do you have Sur? Maybe then you don't need TPC.

Yes, I like the P liner as it is very easy to use. However, I find that it dries up rather fast, especially as I don't use it everyday. I usually buy one when I need one for work for a few weeks, and then I toss it
I don't have Sur so I will get The Perfect Cheek, thank you.



(uh oh)

-Preffered Blonde
-Showgirl (Maybe)

Beauty Powder
-Forever Marilyn (I was completely gonna skip but then I read a post where someone mentioned the packaging again which had completely slipped my mind and now it's on my list, but it depends on the packaging and color)

-Legendary ( THIS WILL BE MINE!!)

-Love Goddess (Maybe-need swatches)


Well-known member
My list, super excited for this collection!

Love Goddess - Mid-tone pink red (Satin)
Scarlet Ibis - Bright orange red (Matte)
Deeply Adored - Deep scarlet (Matte)
Charmed I'm Sure - Dark true red (Matte)

How to Marry - Soft White (Veluxe Pearl)
Preferred Blonde - Pale champagne beige (Veluxe Pearl)

Beauty Powder
Forever Marilyn - Sheer pale peach highlighter

Powder Blush
Legendary - Pale soft coral (Satin)


Well-known member
I just saw the color story! as of now I want everything!

kinda regretted passing off scarlet ibis so I get to see now
I really want to love red lipsticks it's just hard for me to pull them
off... maybe if I get darker it'll look nice on me :]


Well-known member
my list...

BLUSH: Legendary - Pale soft coral (Satin)
BLUSH: The Perfect Cheek - Neutral pink beige (Matte)
BP: Forever Marilyn - Sheer pale peach highlighter
EYESHADOW: How to Marry - Soft White (Veluxe Pearl)
EYESHADOW: Preferred Blonde - Pale champagne beige (Veluxe Pearl)
EYESHADOW: Silver Screen - True silver (Veluxe Pearl)
EYESHADOW: Showgirl - Dark blue grey (Veluxe Pearl)

MAYBE: LIPSTICK: Love Goddess - Mid-tone pink red (Satin)
MAYBE: DAZZLE: Phiff! - Sheer yellow peach


Well-known member
ugh! usually I can get away with getting just a couple items per collection but so far I'm very interested in the following:

L/S Scarlet Ibis - Bright orange red (Matte) (so glad they decided to repromote this)
E/S How to Marry - Soft White (Veluxe Pearl) (hopefully I can pass on this once I see some swatches, I've been getting so many highlighting colors recently)
E/S Preferred Blonde - Pale champagne beige (Veluxe Pearl) (sounds so gorgeous)
E/S Silver Screen - True silver (Veluxe Pearl) (hopefully I can pass on this too, but these all sound so pretty!)
B/P Forever Marilyn - Sheer pale peach highlighter (once again, I don't really need anymore highlighters.. but I don't have any particularly peachy ones + the special packaging sounds amazing)
P/B Legendary - Pale soft coral (Satin) (this sounds great, I've been really liking my pale blushes recently)


Well-known member
Before swatches I want 3 ls, 2 es & 2 blushes. I was hunting for the perfect cheek it`s right on my alley, I think is more neutra than pink cult.

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