MAC for Marilyn


Well-known member
The Perfect Cheek looks very pretty, but I'm wondering how close it is to Blushbaby. I have and love that one (great natural look) and I'm seriously eyeing Nars Douceur. How do all of you keep from buying near dupes? I'm up to 11-12 blushes and don't really wear pinks (that aren't brown pinks), so I keep finding myself drawn to colours that are very close to something I already have. I'm trying to stay away from Nars Deep Throat, Amour and Douceur (gorgeous as they are) because I suspect they'll look a whole lot like my MAC stash.

Both Marilyn blushes sound very pretty. The soft coral may be similar to Immortal Flower and The Perfect Cheek looks superficially similar to Blushbaby so maybe reason will prevail and I'll avoid purchasing one or both. Maybe.
Hmmm, I have Blushbady too. Maybe I can avoid TPG and just get the soft coral.

Audrey C

Well-known member
I love my immortal flower so I want the soft coral even if its a little different or not.
I love it too, although I'm not wearing it this summer. I wore it a lot this spring but right now I seem to be reaching for Warm Soul, Flower Fantasy, Fleet Fast or bronzer as blush with a touch of MM or Peachykeen for colour. I think I'll go back to it when my summer bronze/orange colour kick is over.

Audrey C

Well-known member
Douceur is a very soft rose blush, brown/rose but highly sublte and delicate. Douceur deserves its name. Actually it's maybe more a Fall/winter whereas Sex Appeal is maybe more a Spring one ( peachy rose, very soft too ). It's just my opinion on the 2 Nars blushes, I have them both but honestly I don't wear them all the time, I prefer frankly pink shades ( Gaiety, Angelika, Chanel pink explosion, Dior rosy glow or Benefit Hervana or Bella Bamba ), Douceur is lovely though and easy to wear.
It's very pretty, that's for sure. I wear my neutrals (Blushbaby, Prism) more in the fall/winter and would see Douceur fitting in with those shades. I also like Launch Away for a natural pink flush and I'm sure that will get some use this fall. I was at Sephora yesterday and wore Deep Throat home. I like that a lot too, and it doesn't have the glimmer of Orgasm which I can just barely wear over bronzer if I use a fan brush.

I can't wear the purer pinks; they don't look right with my yellow undertones although I like them a lot. I can get away with a light wash of Dollymix, so I wear that occasionally.


Well-known member
Dollymix is very intense but it's softer than it looks, I sometimes wear it too, as for Deep throat it's not a pure pink so I am not surprised you are happy with it. For me it's the opposite I wear it maybe twice a year but like many Nars blushes it's pretty ! Have you tried Oasis a rose champagne ? It's rose yes but not a pure rose at all, it really looks like some champagne rosé no doubt !

Audrey C

Well-known member
Dollymix is very intense but it's softer than it looks, I sometimes wear it too, as for Deep throat it's not a pure pink so I am not surprised you are happy with it. For me it's the opposite I wear it maybe twice a year but like many Nars blushes it's pretty ! Have you tried Oasis a rose champagne ? It's rose yes but not a pure rose at all, it really looks like some champagne rosé no doubt !
Oasis is too glittery for me. I have Orgasm and only wear the faintest trace of it with blusher; I love the underlying colour but I think this one will shortly be leaving my stash in search of younger skin to live on.

We're doing a cross-border shopping trip next weekend, and I'm considering purchasing 2-3 Nars blushes. My list as it stands now is Deep Throat, Gilda or Gina, Amour (perhaps) and Douceur (perhaps). I'm trying to avoid dupes of what I already have in MAC though. You seem to know the NARS blushes well; would you mind letting me know if any of the ones I'm thinking of are near cousins to my current MAC blushes below? Please and thank you, kiss kiss, etc.

Immortal Flower (LE)
Launch Away (LE)
Modern Mandarin (LE)
Fleet Fast (LE)
Plum Foolery
Warm Soul
Flower Fantasy (LE)


Well-known member
When I got bit by the MU bug a few months ago I got a wild hair that I wanted a plummy/mauve blusher. When I asked around everyone looked at me like they had never had heard of such a thing before. I felt a little odd, why is this so strange? I hope MAC comes out with something fitting this description...that works for pale skinned people.
I dunno if anyone else does, but I kind of consider sin by nars to be mauvey...have you checked it out? (it's been on my wish list for s while but I'm waiting till fall....)


Well-known member
I dunno if anyone else does, but I kind of consider sin by nars to be mauvey...have you checked it out? (it's been on my wish list for s while but I'm waiting till fall....)
I'd agree with that. It's definitely a purpley mauvey colour.


Well-known member
When I got bit by the MU bug a few months ago I got a wild hair that I wanted a plummy/mauve blusher. When I asked around everyone looked at me like they had never had heard of such a thing before. I felt a little odd, why is this so strange? I hope MAC comes out with something fitting this description...that works for pale skinned people.
Have you tried Breath of Plum? It's really pretty on pale skin.


Well-known member
I never heard of this blush. What brand is it from? Thank you for the info Winthrop44.
I dunno if anyone else does, but I kind of consider sin by nars to be mauvey...have you checked it out? (it's been on my wish list for s while but I'm waiting till fall....)


Well-known member
^ Agree with Winthrop.. Breath of Plum is gorgeous..

and with Aradhana, Sin is a plummy raspberry with the best pigmentation.


Well-known member
I dunno if anyone else does, but I kind of consider sin by nars to be mauvey...have you checked it out? (it's been on my wish list for s while but I'm waiting till fall....)
i have sin and i love it. I dont reach for it that often though. I have been more into mattes lately. But it does look a bit mauvey on me and we're about the same skintone so maybe itll look like that on you. Regardless if it doesnt look like that on you its still a nice color to have


Well-known member
Definitely excited to see all the lip products for this collection! I may have to snag both blushes, the false lashes and gold nail lacquer too. Will have to be saving up for this collection, can't wait to see the packaging!


Well-known member
yay I'm glad I wasn't off the map with my description of sin/interpretation of "mauve"....that's a very ambiguous shade in my mind...a little like 'plum''. I've been eyeing sin since it came out with the Nars holiday collection last year....I wasn't sure at the time it would work for my skin tone, so I'm glad you mentioned that you like it too luvlydee...


Well-known member
There's some swatches at the bottom of this page.


Active member
Oh, this collections sounds really disappointing, now!!!! Many repromotes, few products that are new for this. I was SO looking forward to this collection idea!!!!!

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