mac freelancing interview


I have an interview for MAC freelance postion they asked to bring my brushes but they dontbhave to be mac ? Can someone explain why also he said its a.verbal interview if someone went through this process please let me know I'm so nervous !


Well-known member
WOW, I wanted to apply for MAC in the UK.
I suppose you can jsut take what you have in and just mention these are the ones that you feel accustom to use and just reassure them that if a customer asks what brush you're using, maybe just give them the MAC version of your own brush.... if that makes sense?
I hope it does, I know I tend to ramble.
I really do hope that I'm not too late to respond to this and I wish you all the best in this, you'll most likely make them go 'WOW' :)
Good luck and best wishes