MAC Freelancing Position: What does it entail.


So I just got hired as a MAC freelance artist, but I'm not really sure what this all means. I know that I will go from counter to counter and I'll be working on call, but do we get a training? Do we get a discount? And how much is it? Is is easy to get promoted from a freelance position to a part/full time position? I'll be working in San Francisco. Thanks!


Well-known member
Freelance = only working during events (when new collections come out) and when they need extra help. You get 30% discount and they do have training but usually it's only training for the season so most likely if your starting now, you probably wont get any training until next season. Also, training for me was not training. It was more like "play time" than anything. We got to see all the up coming collections coming out and try on stuff. You even able to get samples of products like pigments & skin care stuff. Basically anything you can fit in that little jar. That was my favorite part of it all needless to say LOL.

As far as getting promoted. It all depends on if they like you, how well you work, if you can sell, how fast you are, how good of a MUA you are, how long you've been freelancing and so on. My advice to you is get to know the counter managers and let them know that if there's an opening for a more permanent position, you'd be interested.

HTH and good luck!


Well-known member
Well let me tell you what my experience here in Las Vegas is with my new freelancing position at MAC. I started on Sunday and was told that I DO NOT get a discount (super sucky!!!), no gratis, AND you have sales quota's but do not get commission. I was ok with all of that EXCEPT no discount. The cashiers that are hired just as cashiers get a 60% discount, but I, the freelance makeup artist, get ZERO. I'm not happy with that. I did not know about getting any samples. They did give me a copy of two chapters on skin care products and make up products but that is all the training I got that day and I took it with me to read later. Interesting read but I'd really enjoy attending basic training. I did inquire about a permanent position ( I know, ambitious on my first day ) but after all, I went to work there hoping for a discount. I'm hopeful that I will eventually get the discount but I'm bummed for right now. It was fun playing with the makeup and I actually did a couple faces, well eyes, but in this PRO store, if you're not working with a customer, they want you cleaning. I'm working again this saturday and am hoping it's a better experience for me. I guess I just expected something a bit different than what I got. HOWEVER, the managers there were really cool and fun which is a plus.

Let me know what's the scoop on your situation. I am getting 18 an hr for freelance and 16 for on call. Not bad but I'm still crying like a baby over no discount. Any suggestions for me? Hope this info helped.


Well-known member
Omg that sucks!!! I would totally be crying too!! I wonder why they dont give you a discount though, I mean you are their employee whether its freelance or on call or whatever. That really sucks! I hope you get it soon. Btw, your pay sounds awesome!! Are you working at the pro store? or a counter?


Well-known member
I hate how freelancers don't get the discount it doesn't make sense to me at least. Anyways you don't get any official training that's only if ur a perm. But usually managers n the other artists do show you around,don't be scared or shy to ask if you have questions
I learned sooo much from other artists.
I was told that if you want to become perm you should ask the managers and help as much as possible with cleaning and anything needed. I was hired quickly as a perm because I showed them I wanted that position more than anything


Well-known member
That's weird that in some states or areas you don't get a discount. Luckly, I'm in an area where they do offer that. 30% is good, wish it was more but hey, it's something. Can't complain!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by thedrinkgirl
Well let me tell you what my experience here in Las Vegas is with my new freelancing position at MAC. I started on Sunday and was told that I DO NOT get a discount (super sucky!!!), no gratis, AND you have sales quota's but do not get commission. I was ok with all of that EXCEPT no discount. The cashiers that are hired just as cashiers get a 60% discount, but I, the freelance makeup artist, get ZERO. I'm not happy with that. I did not know about getting any samples. They did give me a copy of two chapters on skin care products and make up products but that is all the training I got that day and I took it with me to read later. Interesting read but I'd really enjoy attending basic training. I did inquire about a permanent position ( I know, ambitious on my first day ) but after all, I went to work there hoping for a discount. I'm hopeful that I will eventually get the discount but I'm bummed for right now. It was fun playing with the makeup and I actually did a couple faces, well eyes, but in this PRO store, if you're not working with a customer, they want you cleaning. I'm working again this saturday and am hoping it's a better experience for me. I guess I just expected something a bit different than what I got. HOWEVER, the managers there were really cool and fun which is a plus.

Let me know what's the scoop on your situation. I am getting 18 an hr for freelance and 16 for on call. Not bad but I'm still crying like a baby over no discount. Any suggestions for me? Hope this info helped.

Ok, this is why: Freelancers don't get a discount because you aren't permanent with the company, cashiers however are permanent with the company. They get discount and gratis as they are the last person all of our customers see.

You do get a one on one training with the manager, you just have to tell her its your first day so they can give you an overview.

I hope you didn't intentionally say "cashier" as if they're job isnt important, because let me tell you it is. Ours went on vacation and I cannot tell you how much I missed her when she did, the quote when you said "me the freelance artist" as if your position was somehow better. I am sorry I don't wanna cause drama but it totally irks me when people sound like they feel entitled.

You can always apply for a Pro card, thats a 40% for makeup and 30% for anything else.

If you want to land a permanent position, they look at attitudes, sales goals, AUS and how busy you keep yourself.

I went to the Pro store in Vegas this weekend, and the people there were super nice, and I met the cashier she was awesome as well.


Well-known member
I got hired back in JUNE and i just worked my first event for the RED SHE SAID collection...i got 12 and the other freelancer got 4 manager was super nice and if i wasnt doing any clients I just helped people that came up to the first sale was $297 which made me look super good! and i had not gotten any traing or last day of the even I got to work with the other freenlancer and I could tell she was a bit soon as she got her first client she was like"OMG-what do I do?".....i was like YOUR ASKING new too but i did my best to start her off on the right track...I was like well ask her Q's.."like what skin do u have? what are you doing tonight/ is this a speacial look or just for day?...u know....common sence...that any MUA would know to is my dilema.....i am a make-up artistand stylist...i went to school for Cosmetology.... I do weddings, proms...whatever but I want to be a fulltime MUA in the future...this other person tha got hired is just doing it for just so they can say they work @ MAC...I did my best to help her but I also want to be a PERM and i want the manager to know and see that im passionate about MAC and have skills......So Is it bad if I let her sink(Which I DIDNT) so that i can float????.....please help me yall.....I want to be PERM more than anything


Well-known member
Originally Posted by davidsito987
I got hired back in JUNE and i just worked my first event for the RED SHE SAID collection...i got 12 and the other freelancer got 4 manager was super nice and if i wasnt doing any clients I just helped people that came up to the first sale was $297 which made me look super good! and i had not gotten any traing or last day of the even I got to work with the other freenlancer and I could tell she was a bit soon as she got her first client she was like"OMG-what do I do?".....i was like YOUR ASKING new too but i did my best to start her off on the right track...I was like well ask her Q's.."like what skin do u have? what are you doing tonight/ is this a speacial look or just for day?...u know....common sence...that any MUA would know to is my dilema.....i am a make-up artistand stylist...i went to school for Cosmetology.... I do weddings, proms...whatever but I want to be a fulltime MUA in the future...this other person tha got hired is just doing it for just so they can say they work @ MAC...I did my best to help her but I also want to be a PERM and i want the manager to know and see that im passionate about MAC and have skills......So Is it bad if I let her sink(Which I DIDNT) so that i can float????.....please help me yall.....I want to be PERM more than anything

If you do a great job, they will see. MAC likes to see teamwork, so if you are helpful to everybody (including other new people), it will show that you are a teamplayer, and it will only add to your appeal.


Well-known member
cassie if youre looking for a job for this weekend my counter in corte madera is in desperate need of a freelancer!!! i called the entire list yesterday but so far no one can do it. message me if youre interested.


Active member
I just started as a freelancer, how often are freelancers paid usually? Is it every other week? I called the Counter that I did my paperwork at but the girl working was unsure if freelancers were on the same schedule as everyone else. If anybody knows, let me know! Thx!


Well-known member
Some tips for freelancers:

1. Be early. That way we can run through stuff with you before you are actually needed.
2. Have your makeup on and ready to go before you get there, or be there early enough to put the products on your face. Be in uniform. if you are not sure if something is appropiate, assume it isn't and find something else.
3. Keep your work area clean. Lay a tissue down to put brushes/products on top of. If you are not sure, ask someone about proper sanitation. It will show you care about doing things MAC way. Take care to clean between appts.
4. Watch your time on appts. If it takes you an hour to do someone's face, we will notice.
5. If it is slow, ask what you can do to help. A lot of times there are small things you can do.
6. If you get called, and can't work the shift, call back and tell that you are not available. If you don't call back, they will not call you again. If you call back and say sorry, but thank you. They will appreciate you being considerate.
7. Even if you arne't working an event, stop in anyway. Show you are interested in the new items.
Other ideas, observe the permanent girls. And follow their lead.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CandyApples83
I just started as a freelancer, how often are freelancers paid usually? Is it every other week? I called the Counter that I did my paperwork at but the girl working was unsure if freelancers were on the same schedule as everyone else. If anybody knows, let me know! Thx!

I just got my first was sent in the mail beacuse direct deposit takes a couple weeks....and i got paid the following youd get paid...well at least where im from everyweek.
Originally Posted by thedrinkgirl

Let me know what's the scoop on your situation. I am getting 18 an hr for freelance and 16 for on call. Not bad but I'm still crying like a baby over no discount. Any suggestions for me? Hope this info helped.

I can beat that... I make 10 an hour, no discount, and she is scheduling me regularly. My manager is practically raping me.. 10 an hour is NOTHING!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
does anyone know if freelancers get the brush belt and the brushes provided for them or do you have to buy it....


New member
I just started as a freelance artist with MAC , no you don't get a discount BUT you can sign up for the macpro card with your paycheck stub and drivers license. It's 35 dollars a year but you get 40%. Also if the manager likes you can get old testers when they are dishing those out. I love being a freelance, there's no stress about sales quotas and you are mainly there to do the makeovers while the employees do the sales.


New member
I'm not quite sure where to ask this, but I think this is the most relevant topic to my question:

I was hired in November as a freelancer, along with a handful of other girls. On December 30, I was called into my local MAC store to work just for the day. I worked, had an amazing time, even though they set me up with a freelance and on call number, I was told to not worry about calling in my hours because I was filling out a time card.

Now it is January 30. I've worked once at a Nordstroms downtown for two days in a row, this past weekend, which I did call in on my hours for. I guess my question is, will i probably just not get paid for that day? I'm okay with that, because It was my first day, and although I made adequate sales, it was more so a good learning experience. In the future, who would I contact about this?

In addition, how often do freelancers get paid when they work? Biweekly, bimonthly, etc?


New member
What are the requirements to work as a freelance mua? I'm 18 years old with no professional experience or cosmetology school experience, however I do have my own portfolio and have had clients before. Would be it be even possible to try for the position? I'd really love to finally work as a makeup artist officially :(

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