Originally Posted by kiss
Your crazy! Birds are feathered friends. It's because of that old horror crow movie isn't it?
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
So am I, and I was a little pissed when I read that, why not a nice cute English flag for the packaging?
Damn birds
Originally Posted by coachkitten
Meg you crack me up! I am not a big bird fan either but I am so looking forward to this collection!!
OMG ok...so why I hate/am horribly scared of birds (and clowns, coincidentally, lol):
When I was 5 my dad took me to some really crappy low budget traveling circus (he tried...lol). We're watching the clowns do their act and one of the props malfunctions and catches on fire. One of the clowns tries to put it out and HE catches on fire! He starts screaming and flailing around and ran into the audience (2 rows in front of our seats) and while laying there rolling around trying to stop the fire...3 birds from the next act start flying around inside the tent making horrible noises and dive bombing into the crowd! Needless to say, at 5 that was too much for me to handle (lol) and that childhood memory is engraved into my brain for-ev-er.
Birds and clowns = thumbs down!
On topic (sorry for the off topic story!): My list for this collection is actually quite long! So...yeah...here's to hoping the birds are doable for me.