MAC-Growing with the company?


Ive been doing make up for years but went to Cosmetology school to get my license as a hairstylist.
But now I am torn between being a hairstylist or working for MAC.(just have to add ofcourse I'm in love with MAC).

Each has its pros and cons but I wanted to know if anyone on this forum would be able to give me input on the two career choices. I've been struggling with this decision for months now which is why I'm STILL working some where I just can't stand any longer. But I'm very analytical and have to do as much research as possible to make sure I make the right decision.

As far as working for MAC I know it will be hard to get all the information I'm looking for since a lot of it can't be discussed but I'm hoping to atleast get some insight.

Would you all say that MAC is a company you can grow with? If so how does the "ladder" work? Starting from ___ and working your way up to ___?? Would counter manager be the highest you could go in this company? Is the pay worth it(it's really hard to choose a career when no one can inform you about salaries).No one can give a $-$ salary number??

Does this company treat you as just a worker who can be replaced at any time or do they actually care about their people? I have always stayed away from corporate places due to their uncaring "we treat every one like robots" ways and I would be extremely disappointed if I did everything I could to become a MAC employee only to find out they aren't going to value me or treat me as a human being.

If there is growth within the company, how long does it take to grow, and how often(raises, promotions etc) and what are the steps taken?
*obviously its based on performance, but if someone could elaborate that'd be awesome*

What are the type of shift hours worked every day? Is it split in two or do you work one full day from open to close?

I've been in the type of industries where nothing is ever guaranteed, it's always up and down, no set paycheck, all based on tips, no benefits etc... and I know working as a hairstylist will be that exact thing, and will also take a long time to even build up a clientele. Plus if you leave the salon and move to another location you loose most of your clients leaving you to start all over. I just want something STEADY and real, benefits and something I can GROW with. I'm sick of dead end jobs!

I'm 27 and I need to hurry up and make a decision!!! Please give me insight!! Thanks


Well-known member
hey.. tough decision.

mac is an amazing company to work for. as a result, their turnover rate is VERY low (good for you, because that means they don't just replace their employees at the drop of a hat).

the pay is very decent. to start as a makeup artist they pay between $15-25 an hour depending on where you live and cost of living. growth within the company does take a I said before, the turnover rate is extremely low, and everyone is dying for those upper management positions.

Being a counter manager is hardly the highest you can go.

You can go on to be the manager of a store, the senior manager (mgr of several stores), a resident trainer, trainer, senior artist, retail operations manager, and the list goes on up more into the corporate world.

retail shifts are usually: open - 3to5ish, or like 2-5ish to close

my store manager got to her position within 2 years, but i know girls who have been artists for 3+ years and still in the same spot.

on the other hand, as a hair stylist, it may take a bit for your work to pick up, but eventually you'll be making bank. imagine doing hair on sets for movies, tv, etc. I no longer work for mac, but instead work for myself doing makeup for weddings, shoots, tv, movies, etc. it's the same story with doing hair, i have tons of hair friends doing the same thing. it's all about networking.

can you try to get into mac, and still freelance doing hair on the side?

hope this info helped



Well-known member
Wow, they must really like their MUA's. The lancome counter where I live pays 9 an hour with no commission...and their makeup is twice as high as MAC.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by marusia
Wow, they must really like their MUA's. The lancome counter where I live pays 9 an hour with no commission...and their makeup is twice as high as MAC.

yeah it's that way at any counter other than mac. mac is a whole different world. that's why it's hard to get in, they only hire who they want to stick around, whereas other dept store counters don't do the hiring, they leave it up to the dept store HR, and if the dept store likes the candidate, then they might meet up with the counter rep just to make sure they mesh well...but it's way different.


Thanks baci!!

That reply made me happy. I was actually trying to decide whether or not to do hair fulltime and then freelance makeup on the side or vice versa like you had mentioned...
I think getting into MAC first is going to be immediate gratification whereas getting into a salon first is going to be a long waiting game. Especially bc i only moved to miami recently and dont have friends or family as immediate clients so building a clientele will be hard. If i get into mac atleast id meet alot of people who could possible be potential hair clients.

I always thought as a hairstylist Id make more in the end than workin for MAC but it might end up averaging the same especially if i move up in the company. Plus I really need the benefits.
I never know what to write as my starting salary on the apps. I hate that lol

Well the CM that told me to call her to set up my interview is now on maturnity leave ...which means now im goin to have to go introduce myself to someone else and hope they want to set up an interview!

But thanks for the info ...i think ill go for MAC and see what happens and try to do hair on the side : )

La Dolce Diva

Well-known member
I'd get the MAC position if at all possible, and then schedule hair clients around your schedule; you will have your schedule far enough in advance to be set.

There are numerous opportunities for growth with MAC, especially if you are willing to travel (positions with more hours/more prestige become available at other locations). HTH!


Well-known member
I'm in the same situation as you!! I just graduated cosmetology school 2 months ago, and I still favor make-up/MAC more over doing hair. Thanks for posting this!