MAC Heavenly creature discussion


Well-known member
Hello All,
I have come across this thread quite a but lately. just wanna thank everyone for the swatches and heads up on the collection. it just killed my wallet
and so did those stupid taxes!!


Well-known member
ahhh I want to buy now so I don't regret it after they sell out, but I spent so much on MAC alone this week already.
I'm interested only in the lippies and think I can skip Cut A Caper l/s but not sure on the rest
I saw how Pleasure Seeker
looked on a blogger and it was sooo pretty so I think I deff want that for sure. Still debating if the exfoliator is worth splurging on


Well-known member
I wanted to skip the whole collection, but I told myself only three items pending swatches. Ruffian was the collection for me. Team Willpower, tell me I don't need any skin products. Didn't the VAE smell bad in the past? Just say yes
You don't need limited edition skin products! Did that work?


Well-known member
puts head down, bottom lip out & leaves the board ;/
Bravo! We can do this! Actually, I really would feel worse missing out on an outstanding product during the fall and winter. I'm craving another Style Black and VV collection. I'm also hoping for a serious CYY haul. I need to go and pair Ruffian Gold over CYY and even over Force of Love <3


Well-known member

MAKE SURE YOU CALL MAC to make sure you dont have to validate the order. i called to see if there was tracking and one of the orderes needed to be validated...i guess they do that sometimes


Well-known member

MAKE SURE YOU CALL MAC to make sure you dont have to validate the order. i called to see if there was tracking and one of the orderes needed to be validated...i guess they do that sometimes
validated how?

i did call them earlier to get my $10 overnight shipping refunded... hope that was good enough, lol.


Well-known member
Sometimes they need to validate orders when you place more than one to make sure they arent fraudulent or accidental duplicates