MAC Heavenly creature discussion


Well-known member
I can't believe that I haven't stalked the MAC website yet today! I better get to stalkin'! Just for good measure! :)


Well-known member
I do keep them in the containers. If you look closely, you'll see that the plastic doesn't come into contact with the product. It has an edge that rests on the lip of the pot and is held in place when you click the lid closed. When I do travel with these (on VERY rare occassions due to how fragile they are) I like having that extra layer of protection against my product. Then between the plastic on top of the powder I'll layer a couple sheets of tissue paper or Kleenex (another on here suggested cotton balls... Genius!) to add a buffer between the powder and the lid.
I also keep the inserts. Mainly because I think they help to protect the product, and maybe it helps to keep the powder residue contained. I just open them upside down so the inserts are in the lid.


Well-known member
I like how the swirl in your Light Year reminds me of Superman's emblem.

I guess I'm the last to post my beautiful swirls, but the collection launched here on Monday. (finally

Center of the Universe

Light Year
Star Wonder


Ring of Saturn and Earthly mes
Cut a caper l/s

If I could, I would definitely buy a BU for each one of them!!! I'm still thinking going back to buy Stratus, Meteoric(or a Cut a caper BU) and another CotU but with more gold in it.
I've noticed that my Ring of Saturn didn't have the plastic cover that the mineralize products usually have. Should I return it or it's ok?


Well-known member
I am going to the pro store when Electric Cool and can see if there are any more 184 brushes. If u want me to grab u one let me know :)


Well-known member
We are HAPPY to have your swirl pics girl! Thanks!!

That is curious why your RoS doesn't have a plastic lid... Hmmm? Did the SA grab it from the drawer? If so, it's probably fine! You'd be able to tell if it had been used, I think. Lots of dust kicks up with these and there'd be noticible evidence on the inner rim. If it bothers you, definitely take it back for a replacement. If it helps at all... I LOVE your RoS! AND your Earthshine swirl is exactly what I went searching for! YAY!!
He grabbed it from the drawer, yes! (I kept following him because when I asked him to let me pick the swirls I wanted, he didn't seem very happy about it
) Well, it doesn't bother me much..but I wanted to be sure cause I like this one a lot to take it back!
Thank you PixieDancer, I adore Earthshine
To be honest, I went to another mac counter for the MSF's, mes and l/s and the MUA there was such a sweet person, very heplful!!


Well-known member
I went to my Mac counter and asked the MUA if she could find me an Earthshine with little gold but she didn't want to do that. She started swatching other products that might be similar. Kind of upset me but oh well. I really need to make friends with someone nicer that my nearest counter.


Well-known member
Just wanted to share my simple, soft look for the day :) Sorry for the crappy iPhone quality pic!

Star Wonder layered over Pink Swoon on cheeks
Flamingo on lips
L'oreal lash blast + voluminous on lashes
Annabelle liner
You look gorgeous!
I'm dying to get my hands on Flamingo.


Well-known member
Okay, so I am late to the party, but here is my damage. Some of them have a little love going on & the pictures came out a little dark. Lightscapade isn't in the family picture, but there she was in all her glory behind the counter. I spotted it and said "is that what I think it is" and she said "Ligh" and I said "lemme see 'em" I scored LS too!



Well-known member
Nice haul!!!

You know I went to 5 different stores, searched through probably 35+Earthshines and still didn't find one that was even close to what you wanted!
Okay, so I am late to the party, but here is my damage. Some of them have a little love going on & the pictures came out a little dark. Lightscapade isn't in the family picture, but there she was in all her glory behind the counter. I spotted it and said "is that what I think it is" and she said "Ligh" and I said "lemme see 'em" I scored LS too!



Well-known member
Okay, so I am late to the party, but here is my damage. Some of them have a little love going on & the pictures came out a little dark. Lightscapade isn't in the family picture, but there she was in all her glory behind the counter. I spotted it and said "is that what I think it is" and she said "Ligh" and I said "lemme see 'em" I scored LS too!
Someone please school me on Lightscapade! Why so coveted? I might need! Better late than never...I don't think I am near over seeing these swirls yet! I want to take all mine out and play, but hubby already thinks I am nuts! Comments all the time, "how many more makeup videos and websites can you look at?" Men! :finger:


Well-known member
I interupt this thread to bring you a HC service anouncement... Not that anyone is counting or anything, but I did the math... :shock: In 24 hours, there have been 115 HC posts (starting at 6358, and not counting this one that I am about to make) In order to reach 10,000 and come close to that Hello Kitty thread, we need 3,527 more posts. At the rate of 115 a day, it will take about 30 days... So what I am sayin' here is "Com'on people! Pick up the pace! :bump: As you were!


Well-known member
Do you all keep your inserts inside of the products? I'm not sure whether this will make them more dusty, because I'm thinking every time the product moves around, the plastic insert will rub against the surface of the product, and cause some product to rub off. Is that crazy thinking?
I keep them. I think the inserts help keep the products from getting beat up. But, then, i keep my products in their boxes! Well, except when i put them in my purse makeup kit.


Well-known member
Ever since this collection launched online, this thread has been flooded with excitement!! I have not been this excited for a mineralize collection since In The Groove collection with Stereo Rose MSF that made a comeback!


Well-known member
I'm sorry for my losing track of this thread. I'm so behind! I look forward to catching up. I just wore my SW for the first time this past weekend and it looked ahmazing! I looove it.

I tried to wear Earthly, patted did not swirl into it & it looked horrible, super muddy. Anyone else have this issue? What was the remedy?

What brush do you all prefer to use with wet MESs?
