MAC Heavenly creature discussion


Well-known member
So its restocked - we have to have another round of orders

I just ordered a BU of Light Year.


Staff member
My sign is Leo... The Sun fuels Leo, the fixed fire sign. Passion-powered, you hungrily tear into life. Lions are matriarchal, and Leo goddesses of the hunt are royally fixed on singular goals, aided by loyal biatches. In return, you give protection and creation to splashy, technicolour dreams as others also revel in them. The Sun is the heart(h) of life and whatever golden road you stalk, Dorothy, there's no place like home. And for my birthday (August 13)... Lion is a real color. And you are as authentic as they come. It explains your true-grit aesthetic and roaming nature. Never aimless, you are completely clear on purpose, no second guessing passions. You know you find love along the path, so that, too, will be destined. Products it chose for me: Mineralized Blush in Super Nova (a bit bright for me, IMO), the Cremesheens in Galaxy Rose (I think?) and Astral. Fingers crossed that Light Year doesn't sell out before next month! :eyelove:


Well-known member
I wore Centre of the Universe for the first time today and it is GORGEOUS! I need more faces for all these amazing mineralize products!
In order to get the most use out of them, HC stuff are the only cheek products that I packed to go home from uni this summer :)
I love everything in this damn collection, even the stuff I didn't get!
Thinking of grabbing a Magnetic Attraction with a ton of burgundy tomorrow, how are people liking it?


Well-known member
Very cool!

You're ruled by pearly Mother Moon, pregnant with possibility. The cardinal water sign—la source!—Cancer is a well-spring of emotion, bubbling over with feeling. You have the power to purge your world of chaos and deliver it up, anew, at any moment. Call it wishcraft or call it hope that floats through life's ebbs and flows. You make arks, better known as promises, you never fail to keep.

And my birthday, June 29th:

Your sparkle is champagne, and your vivid imaginings go to our head. The most cerebral Cancerian on the block, you communicate big ideas simply, no easy task. You're a master at making artsy aspirations commercially viable. So big deal you cry at the drop of a hat.


Well-known member
Well I pipped by 2 MAC counters @ my local mall:

Supernova was sold out at both.

One of the MA's said it was REALLY BRIGHT - not pink but a magenta.

I looked at Dainty and tried to find Gleeful but no go.

So I made off with Pink Swoon blush instead.

It doesn't have the lovely gleam of a mb but it is just as beautiful.

I'm into pink lips now: Pink Friday, Saint Germain, Pink Nouveau, Gaga 1, etc.

So there aren't any blue based pink mb out there.

And this gives me an excuse to stalk every collection that has mineralize products in it.



Well-known member
Well since everyone else is doing this lol

Taurus' power is attraction, thanks to Venus working it on the earth plane. You draw on the catch-me, catch-me archetypes of the flower gods and nymphs. Even NBA stars can like their lingerie. Venus' femme attributes of beauty, grace and charm are mighty real in you. The fixed earth sign—think: a garden—you cultivate and value yourself. Taurus is so money. Even your favourite colours are rich.

B-day April 22nd

Blue grass energy surrounds you, an ultra chill creature. You chase nothing and no one, magnetizing others and success to you. Sensual to the max, your allure is like a tractor beam, sucking admirers in, only to surprise them with your offbeat humor and humility.


Well-known member
I tried the horoscope thingy and I think it gave me the Volcanic ash, Earthshine and the mascara.

See that is what I was talking about, I'm a Taurus too!
Hilarious! I'm a taurus and I couldn't figure out what the heck they were saying to me! I kept seeing Venus, so I thought they were suggesting Venus but couldn't pick up on anything else.


Well-known member
If CotU shows up on you, Cantaloupe certainly will look gorgeous on you. It's very pigmented. Enjoy!
Thanks! I guess I'll be placing an order. Although I'm debating ordering a bu of CotU. I don't own any backups, but I just love it so. I'm scared I may never get to it, but I'm also afraid that the one I have will drop by mistake, and then what will I do???


Well-known member
I love seeing pics of the swirls lol! I keep looking at my own pics too haha. I wish I was in the States right now so I could order more things lol


Well-known member
Sagitarius. December 7. Light year and Universal Appeal...can't tell what the second item is! Either a lipstick or Center of the Universe?


Well-known member
Jupiter, named for the divo god, expresses excess, expansion, excitement, exoticism—all the exes—and certainly ecstasy too. It suffuses you with outsized optimism in every sense. How do you like it? More, more, more. You're blessed by Jupiter's wife Juno, the diva goddess of power—Lady Godiva—with blinding beauty and glamazonial genius. They radiate from within, ensuring you'll never do without.

December 15
Demure for so demonstrative a star-sign, your birthday aura is ultra cool and creamy. You've always risen to the top, fast-tracked for successes. Perhaps this is why you seek quiet and comfort: To counteract the excitement, luck, you tend to experience every day.