MAC Heavenly creature discussion


Well-known member
Oh and PS... duckrodeo .. I ordered a few thebalm items from hautelook when you mentioned it was on there! I got my 3 items today (down boy blush, mary-lou manizer, and one n/p) Love them. I can't believe how close Mary-Lou is to Mac Too Chic... I think I might even like it better than Too Chic!


Active member
I've been loving my SW and LY as daily blushes, but i've recently noticed i've broken out in small little bumps where i apply the blush. I'm beginning to think i may have a reaction with MAC MSFS =\ Although i'm not 100% sure if it's just my blush or i've just gotten unlucky. My Superb EDSF and MSFN seem to be fine though...has anyone else experienced this with glittery MSFs?


Well-known member
So I mentioned before how I found Light Year similar to Milani Luminoso.
Well CoU reminds me of NARS Luster!

Luster CoU

(I was using this to show someone so CoU purposely has more of the gold glitter in the swatch)

and just a bonus pic of the MSFS sheered out over nc10 arm.



Well-known member
Thanks, now I know I can pass on COTU. I owned Luster before and didn't like it so I gave it away. It's the shade that's also getting the least amount of love from me on the NARS anniversary sale palette.


Well-known member
Light Year is just so perfect. How come this is not perm? I don't want to run out of it ever.
Should I e-mail MAC?


Well-known member
Light Year is just so perfect. How come this is not perm? I don't want to run out of it ever.
Should I e-mail MAC?
Peachsuns, perhaps you should contact MAC. I'm sure they appreciate customer comments.

Maybe if LY is a stellar runaway they may re-promote it like By Candlelight and Comfort.

But who knows. Its always best to get a b/up. But don't forget MAC always brings out shades that resemble each other.


Well-known member
Peachsuns, perhaps you should contact MAC. I'm sure they appreciate customer comments.

Maybe if LY is a stellar runaway they may re-promote it like By Candlelight and Comfort.

But who knows. Its always best to get a b/up. But don't forget MAC always brings out shades that resemble each other.
A very wise advise. Thank you, Fiberluver! I've never finished any MSF before. I hope my Light Years will last me for a long time.


Well-known member
Peachsuns, perhaps you should contact MAC. I'm sure they appreciate customer comments.

Maybe if LY is a stellar runaway they may re-promote it like By Candlelight and Comfort.

But who knows. Its always best to get a b/up. But don't forget MAC always brings out shades that resemble each other.
I agree. BU is best, because look what happened with the most the recent repromote of Lightscapade, beige blah, not like the beautiful soap bubbles of old. Who knows, if MAC ever repromotes LY will it be the same, will they have access to the same materials they used to make it, all these worries.


Well-known member
oh yes, and I've been using Celestial Kiss non stop since I got it (two weeks) and its already almost 1/4 empty. Now I remember why I stopped buying cremesheens, MAC Y U SO STINGY!!!

I kid, I kid, (sort of).


Well-known member
The difference in mine is that PP has huuuugeee gold chunks. LY is much more refined, therefore, owning both is ok
I was thinking more about the base pink color as opposed to the swirls. Mea culpa! I love both, though. My Porcelain Pink is flat - that's how much love it gets. My flat msfs: PP, Warm Blend, Sunny By Nature, Cheeky Bronze and Brunette.


Well-known member
Has anyone noticed that LY resembles PP?


Thanks for the heads up. I will compare my Porcelain Pink with Light Year. I had some trouble with Porcelain Pink. I bought it in the CCO. I tried to pick one similar to the tester in the CCO because I loved it on but when I got home it just didn't look the same to me. I thought I would buy another when it was repromoted but I just couldn't find the right one. Maybe it's time to try it again.

BTW I wore Fire Sign and Astral again last night. I just can't believe how much I'm wearing these two. These are bright colors for me and not what I usually go for. Even if I buy colors like these, I rarely end up using them much.

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