MAC - Hello Kitty and Kitty Kouture Discussion

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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Now that the frenzy has worn off, I think I am going to get less than I first thought. I get all caught up in the "LE" of it that I realize I don't really need or truly want some of the stuff. My makeup is overflowing as it is - I don't even know what to do w/ half of it! Of course, it's been what, a full weekend since we heard about this? My mind will probably change 200x before it's released!


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by trinity27109
And has anyone else noticed that in the picture of the traincase, HK's dress is split in half and the colors are reversed for each half?

I really think this is only half of the collection and we will be getting the rumored Mild Kitty/Wild Kitty. And perhaps for the rest of collection the design will be reversed as well!
So a white HK with black black/pink outlines

Or maybe I need to get off of specktra and get some sleep....

What do you ladies think?

I'm starting to think if we keep looking at these pictures, we'll see more and more! Kind of like those games where you have to find the differences in two pictures. I don't know if I'll make it till Feb.


Well-known member
I guess it's really impossible to say what we'll buy until we know the colourstory. I mean I can limit myself to 2 lipsticks, but hey, if I'll love all 6 then I'll get all 6 and won't get other items


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I'm calm, cool and collected so now I'm just sittin' back waitin' for that color story. Where's my margarita?

So far the only thing I think I really want it the e/s palettes. I will wait for the full color story to make my full list.


Well-known member
1 Palette (if the finishes are freaking nice. Any lustres.. no WAY), 1 lipstick, 1 lipglass, 1 dazzleglass, 1 beauty powder. Not too bad.
1 plushie, and 1 mirror (if it's cute), maybe a bag.

But I'll have to wait and see the colors for sure.
If I end up just getting the plush, I'd be just as fine with that!


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by Ernie
I'm starting to think if we keep looking at these pictures, we'll see more and more! Kind of like those games where you have to find the differences in two pictures. I don't know if I'll make it till Feb.

Lol! I think you're right...I keep compulsively refreshing this page hoping for the color story or more pictures...


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by jenntoz
I believe Jan 7 is when they start taking pre-orders

Really? I love the sound of pre-orders.

Edit: I hope they make enough plush dolls and bracelets.


Well-known member
My mother is trying to convince me that I don't need everything from this collection! *L*

I am dying looking at that list and pictures!! I am so excited to make this purchase. Maybe I can convince my husband that it's a Valentine's day gift??

Yayyy, HelloKitty!!


Active member
Not too overwhelmed, 'cause Hello Kitty isn't really my thing, but I do LOVE the black packaging! I mean, what else did we expect from MAC? Their color is black!

I love that orange lipglass... it excites me. XD
I hope there's a really nice perfect baby pink lipglass with orange-gold, blue or green duochrome. That would be hackin' awesome.

I'll probably get a few lipglasses, lipsticks. I'm absolutely getting both of the lip conditioners, I don't care what colors they are!

Wow... I just had an insight into my future with that last sentence. It's not pretty...


Well-known member
I hope that pre-orders actually means that you can reserve products not just sign up for notification of the release. I am not so much worried about the regular collection as I am the Kitty Kouture collection. Depending on the colors I would really like the dazzleglasses.


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Originally Posted by lilt2487
out of curiosity can you use a macpro card on this collection?

i have already answered this.

as with barbie and fafi, yes, with the color collection only.

as for the kouture collection, no at first, yes after some time, just like with the annual couture collections.


Well-known member
I'm going to treat this like I did heatherette
One of each type of product (Lippie, gloss, palette, etc)
Will get more if they are serious ihavetohaveit


Well-known member
So do I still want all the Brunette Blonde Redhead eyeshadows or what...?? MAC wants my bank account dead. Pretty sure I can't afford all BBR eyes and this collection. And I'm prettttyyyy sure I'm going to need another 1.6 soon. e__e


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pixi
Oh God

I Am Getting Everything My Dream Has Come True.

My thoughts exactly!! Damn it mac your going to ruin me

I hope they dont announce too many items in the coming months, my list is big enough. Hopefully there will only be a few of each product I like.

Urgh what will I do if the mystery powder has 2 really nice shades!?


Well-known member
I think this is going to be like Heatherette, me sitting at my computer refreshing the MAC UK site for days. I'm going to only get things I will use, I will not go over the top this time
I'm liking the sound of the Mystery powder but it depends on the colours.
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