MAC - Hello Kitty and Kitty Kouture Discussion

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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

lol... I don't even really like Hello Kitty, but reading all these threads has gotten me excited about it... my poor wallet


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

this is one of the only mac collections im excited about upto now.. i cant wait


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by panther27
I'm thinking that pink collection you saw is probably the Rose Romance collection that was mentioned a few months ago.I LOVE pinks,that collection sounds like it was made for me!

That actually sounds familiar. You might be right. We were too busy making fun of how silly the ad looked lol


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

^^Yeah that ad does sound crazy!Sometimes I have no idea where MAC comes up with some of these visuals


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

On Glam Soup Janice said that she is going to New York this week and will attend a press conference for MAC. So maybe she will be able to spill some of the information she learns. Hopefully it will be about Hello Kitty!!


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

^^^Janice is sooo lucky,she really must be looking forward to that!I know I for one,would absolutely die if I went!I can't wait to see if she has anything to say


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by coachkitten
On Glam Soup Janice said that she is going to New York this week and will attend a press conference for MAC. So maybe she will be able to spill some of the information she learns. Hopefully it will be about Hello Kitty!!

Oh please yes!! *squee*


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Omg...i just can't wait anymore! IM GOING CRAAAAZY!!!

When is this collection coming my gosh?! Geez...i'll have to whore myself too to buy this collection! I want it soooo bad!


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

The thing that sucks about this is i'm probably gonna have to sleep outside of the M.A.C store just so i don't have to elbow others in the eye for every Hello Kitty item that's bad...right?But i've been a hello kitty lover since the 80's..i gave my entire collection to my 14 year old niece when she 12 and she didn't value the time and money i put into now the collection is pretty much gone."sobs"...whhhhhhhhhy?????


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Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by Shimmer
As soon as Janice has info she can share, I'm sure she will.

I know that you all will share with us when you can. It made a lot more sense why after listening to glam soup last night. I appreciate that you are women who are true to your word!


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I know that you all will share with us when you can. It made a lot more sense why after listening to glam soup last night. I appreciate that you are women who are true to your word!

Appreciate t hat.


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by coachkitten
I know that you all will share with us when you can. It made a lot more sense why after listening to glam soup last night. I appreciate that you are women who are true to your word!

I hate to ask this,but I missed Glam Soup
I was wondering if you could share please what you just mentioned above?


Well-known member
Re: MAC - Hello Kitty Feb 2009 Discussion

Originally Posted by panther27
I hate to ask this,but I missed Glam Soup
I was wondering if you could share please what you just mentioned above?

Janice and Shimmer said that if they are told not to leak information about a collection that they don't because they are women of their word. That was mostly it. Then Janice just talked about her going to New York for the week and that she was going to a press conference that MAC was holding. So that is why I was hoping that maybe we would hear some more information about the Hello Kitty or other collections.
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