MAC Holiday 2012 Glamour Daze / Fabulousness / Guilty Passions Collection Discussion


Well-known member
IKWYM. I just checked and my shoe wardrobe has no "flats." At all. The closest I have is some Dansko shoes which I have the 2-3 inch lift built in. LOL
Oh, Dansko's are the worst! Wooden sole! Painful for me to work a 16 hour shift in. I did Shoes for Crews for two years until I found that Skechers has slip resistant Shape Ups. Feels like walking on clouds!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PixieDancer
It really IS about knowing your limits! It doesn't matter HOW cute (and sky high) the heel is if you can't walk (let alone dance) in the darn things! Some of these girls should save the "Diva" for their accessories and jewelry and leave the "Below-Ankle Diva" job to the professionals! HeeHee

When I went out last Friday there were a group of girls with heels so high (think 5+ inches) that they couldn't even stand up without wobbling everywhere!
I felt old and practical in my 3 inch heels aged 22 but at least my feet didn't hurt afterwards


Well-known member
Thank you, everyone!

I went in to my MAC yesterday because my favorite MUA is being promoted and transferred to a pro store in Orange County and wanted to say goodbye! She told me that the holiday collection will be released the last week of October. So, start saving your pennies! I will probably avoid going out as much as I can just to avoid spending what I could be saving for the collection. My parents usually give me makeup for Christmas, so I may ask for my Christmas gift early lol


Well-known member
Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories! Who would have thought makeup unites people of all walks of life :)? I myself am 24 yo, 5'4.5" and currently weigh 130-132 lbs. About 9 months ago my weight really ballooned to 153 lb and I was diagnosed with arthritis at the same time. Losing weight helped me put my symptoms at bay and will be really beneficial to preserving my joints and so I got on this rollercoaster of a journey where I lost weight really easily in the beginning and have been struggling with the last 5 lbs for about 3 months now. I try to hit the gym more often than before and definitely take long walks as it doesn't hurt my joints. I am very happy with where I am now in terms of the physical side but unfortunately my symptoms had gotten worse over the past couple of months so much so I have to avoid using my thumb! As for makeup, surprisingly, I think I reached a point where I no longer need to buy much!! I KNOWWW!! I went to sephora recently and went out with nothing so my husband noted: You bought nothing, Me: Nothing grabbed me, He: You must have SO much you don't feel the need to buy anything LOL! I have skipped styleseeker and office hours and the face and body as well as YR but this collection really interests me. It will be my FIRST holiday collection!!!


Well-known member
When I went out last Friday there were a group of girls with heels so high (think 5+ inches) that they couldn't even stand up without wobbling everywhere!
I felt old and practical in my 3 inch heels aged 22 but at least my feet didn't hurt afterwards
Better to be comfortable than look ridiculous!! Some of my cutest every-day heels are 3"!! You'll be the only one dancing all night!!


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
LMFAO!!! EXACTLY!! I think the lowest I go is a chunky wedge. It's actually really funny how natural I walk in heels. My eye always goes straight to any woman that seems to be struggling with the art... Now, on the other end of the spectrum... you put me in flats, UGGS, or tennis shoes... I'm a stumbling, bumbling MESS! I trip over my own feet! I'm a sight to behold at the gym!
When I get old, I'm going to have to have orthopedic heels! HeeHee wink
LOL! I'm the same way. I can't walk in flats and feel really uncomfortable in them.


Well-known member
I'm just the opposite. I love my flats. I live in sneakers. When I was younger I loved, loved, loved heels, but I walk too fast and they don't hold up with my pace. I also have had some feet problems, so flats/sneakers are my go-to. I only wear heels on special occasions now. I do love them on other women though! LOL.

LOL! I'm the same way. I can't walk in flats and feel really uncomfortable in them.


Well-known member
Me too

I'm just the opposite. I love my flats. I live in sneakers. When I was younger I loved, loved, loved heels, but I walk too fast and they don't hold up with my pace. I also have had some feet problems, so flats/sneakers are my go-to. I only wear heels on special occasions now. I do love them on other women though! LOL.


Well-known member
^^^^Easy advice when you live in Italy
ahah yes it's my favorite food (and there is a lot of good and tasty food here) *___* of course if someone must loose weight it's better not to eat these things

Back on topic: I'm really excited about this collection! Pastel colors such as mint and candy pink not only make me think about spring, but they are also cool colors, great for winter imo!!


Well-known member
I want the colour story so badly! I already know I'll be getting all the EDES minis that I don't already have from Extra Dimension, and inevitably a LOT more! I just love the pastels and the bows and the leopard print ahhhhhhhh


Well-known member
I want the colour story so badly! I already know I'll be getting all the EDES minis that I don't already have from Extra Dimension, and inevitably a LOT more! I just love the pastels and the bows and the leopard print ahhhhhhhh
I know, right? I am usually meh about the holiday collections because they are too sparkly but this is going to be so hard to resist because the packaging is so cute and girly


Well-known member
I want the colour story so badly! I already know I'll be getting all the EDES minis that I don't already have from Extra Dimension, and inevitably a LOT more! I just love the pastels and the bows and the leopard print ahhhhhhhh
I know.. me too... I check this thread every day to see if there's any update..


Well-known member
Got invited to the GD event on October 25th. I thought the release in Canada was November but she said the 25th. Yeah.


Well-known member
I'm 5'8" and I'd love to be two inches taller.
Same height and I wish I was 2" taller to make it to the next shelf. lol

Also tempted to pre-order but I'll wait a bit. If i can't test it in person then I need swatches for sure.


Well-known member
I'm 5'8, but up until my early twenties I was over 5'9. At 21 I was diagnosed with an immune deficiency called Vasculitis. It attacked both my kidneys, so I was put on dialysis immediately. By the way, my only symptom was nose bleeds. Well, the numerous medications, including steroids caused me to shrink...which was really weird. Being on dialysis was awful, though. Just about everything I ate made me nauseous even after my kidney diet was restrictive. Dialysis made it difficult for me to be a full time student and have a full time job. I had many complications because of the kidney failure. I was diagnosed with mitral valve regurgitation, which affects women most of the time, but is not that serious. For me, though, since my kidneys did not work, the blood would go into my lungs and make it difficult for me to breathe until I had a dialysis session. That heart problem made me an insomniac for over a year because I could not lay down. When I finally had my heart surgery to repair my mitral valve there were many complications. As a result of the heart surgery, I ended up losing all feeling and movement below the knee of my right leg. I eventually had an amputation, after I was told I had an incurable infection, two years later on New Year's Eve, 2009. I'm 29 now and received my kidney transplant last November from a cadaver kidney. A 35 year old man in Bakersfield, CA was in a motorcycle accident and passed away. That man died, but he also saved my life. I was fortunate to be the donor recipient. Before the transplant I was average, but since the transplant my hair has thinned a lot and I've gained close to forty pounds because I've had a lot of complications and the dosages of my anti-rejection medications are constantly changed.
The way I see it, though, I'd rather be balding and fat than be on dialysis. Even though I've had so many medical and physical challenges, my escape has been makeup and school. I'm a poli sci major and am a freelance makeup artist when I am out of school, mostly working with performance artists that I know here in LA.
I don't know why I shared this info, but I just want to let you all know that we are all powerful people with a common interest. We're all individuals. We've all overcome challenges. We don't let a bad situation, no matter how big or small, define us. We become better people and we live our lives as best we can. Lou, along with all you ladies is an example of that.
Awww, so true you just have to be thankful for what you have and just living another day because there are people out there who have it worse, I worked for oncology and before i started that I was diagnosed with cervical cancer luckily it was detected early so all I had was cryosurgery to fix that but just hearing the word cancer made me sooo depressed I gained my weight being sad and then I some how ended up working with people with cancer, and they were the most cheerful people to be around def made me think different. like they're close to dying but yet they're smiling and laughing enjoy everyday given to them and it def made me rethink how lucky I was to not have to do radiation or chemo, and just in general to be happy because there are other people with worse health conditions or just not as lucky I was.


Well-known member
LMFAO!!! EXACTLY!! I think the lowest I go is a chunky wedge. It's actually really funny how natural I walk in heels. My eye always goes straight to any woman that seems to be struggling with the art... Now, on the other end of the spectrum... you put me in flats, UGGS, or tennis shoes... I'm a stumbling, bumbling MESS! I trip over my own feet! I'm a sight to behold at the gym!
When I get old, I'm going to have to have orthopedic heels! HeeHee wink
lol I'm the same way, everyone always asks me how do you do it, I'm like it's a little person thing, same here i feel like i can not for the life of me be in flat shoes they have to have some sort of lift, when i was pregnant i wore them as well but not as high and when my daughter first started walking she walked on her tip toes and they're like "omg jess, your daughter is exactly like you she walks in invisible heels!!!" it was so cute, now thats she's 8 she's getting close to my shoe size and she's like mom can i wear your shoes when they fit me...i'm like oh no lol....


Well-known member
lol I'm the same way, everyone always asks me how do you do it, I'm like it's a little person thing, same here i feel like i can not for the life of me be in flat shoes they have to have some sort of lift, when i was pregnant i wore them as well but not as high and when my daughter first started walking she walked on her tip toes and they're like "omg jess, your daughter is exactly like you she walks in invisible heels!!!" it was so cute, now thats she's 8 she's getting close to my shoe size and she's like mom can i wear your shoes when they fit me...i'm like oh no lol....
That's adorable!!!!!! I can NEVER walk in heels...I am one of those mess girls with KITTEN heels! I am an embarrassment to my mother who at 65 rocks heels!! And I need them too LOL! I wanted to wear flats to my weddings but thankfully somebody convinced me to get comfy heels!