MAC Holiday 2012 Glamour Daze / Fabulousness / Guilty Passions Collection Discussion


Well-known member
I was wondering, how does Raven compare to Rockstar by UD? I love that liner
In my opinion Raven is not as dark as Rockstar - it seems to have more of a dark, very dark purple to it. I love Rockstar - oh and Raven is not as smooth and easily to glide on as Rockstar. I hope this helps?


Well-known member
In my opinion Raven is not as dark as Rockstar - it seems to have more of a dark, very dark purple to it. I love Rockstar - oh and Raven is not as smooth and easily to glide on as Rockstar. I hope this helps?
Yes, it sure does! I think I'm going to skip Raven after all. Thanks!


Well-known member
Sometimes they have small classes, where they teach you how to do a few different looks for the season, or put you with an MA for a one-on-one class, etc. Those can be a lot of fun and a good chance to catch up on new products and techniques. Maybe it was one of those?
it might be one of those but the body paint I'm not interested in. Yes I only get invited to classes idk if I have the time for it though but I would like to atleast once.


Active member
My wish list is pretty long but I think I'm skipping out on the Archie collection. Its too bright for me and the Marilyn haul plus this collection will leave me going for broke !

Extra Dimension Skinfinish:
Whisper of Gilt

Little Black Bow - Charcoal w/ dazzle pearl

Innocence - Soft Coral
Glamourdaze - Midtone Creamy Plum (Depending on more swatches)
Dramatic Encounter - Deep Purple

MAC Holiday 2012 Leopard Lip Gift Set - In Nude Orange (Depending on swatches)


Well-known member
Not sure if anyone has posted this yet but you can see a sneak peek at the Dramatic Encounter lipstick on here:

Looks like Prince Noir to me!
Most of the lipsticks in this collection seem close to others from the not-too-distant past, except with the finishes switched around:

Beauty - pale cool pink (G) = Double Spin
Innocence - soft coral (F) = Ever Hip, Reel Sexy, Cut A Caper
Glamourdaze - midtone creamy plum (CS) = Offshoot, One of a Kind
Outrageously Fun - midtone magenta violet (CS) = Petals & Peacocks
Dramatic Encounter - deep purple (A) = Musky Amethyst

I'm feeling like it won't be too hard to just skip these, since I've got all the others. I'll admit, I'm tempted by Innocence, since it's a frost and I don't have a coral frost (and love those light corals). It just feels like a "Greatest Hits" collection for the lipsticks and glosses.

I AM excited for the f/ls and some new EDES, and of course, Kohl Powers! Watch me get all re-enthusiastic once I see everything in person....but I AM going to TRY to resist more lippies!


Well-known member
Dramatic Encounter - deep purple (A) = Musky Amethyst
I'm feeling like it won't be too hard to just skip these, since I've got all the others. I'll admit, I'm tempted by Innocence, since it's a frost and I don't have a coral frost (and love those light corals). It just feels like a "Greatest Hits" collection for the lipsticks and glosses.

I AM excited for the f/ls and some new EDES, and of course, Kohl Powers! Watch me get all re-enthusiastic once I see everything in person....but I AM going to TRY to resist more lippies!
I hope so because I skipped those lipstick ad now I miss a shade like that! Also Oh Oh Oh was a cute one so I hope Glamourdaze is something like that ^^


Well-known member
I hope so because I skipped those lipstick ad now I miss a shade like that! Also Oh Oh Oh was a cute one so I hope Glamourdaze is something like that ^^
If I wind up breaking down and getting lipsticks, Glamourdaze is the other one I've got my eye on! It probably won't have as brownish a cast as OoaK or Offshoot, which makes it tempting. If it's like a little clearer Flaunting It with good coverage, yeah...might buy.
I really am starting to enter the Too Many Lipsticks Zone after all the bounty of 2012, so it's on my mind. Not to mention, I can see myself going hog wild with those Mineralize lipsticks next year......


Well-known member
Totally OT, but I've been seeing TONS of looks w/ MAC's Rebel l/s over Nightmoth on Instagram.. and it is GORGEOUS. Hehe.


Well-known member
That's crazy! :O But I'm such a sucker, I will buy the EDES as well as the Vice Palette. Hohum.
I'm just going to be extremely picky and just pick up the bare minimum. I know I would love the black and nude one to add to the other ones that I have. I hope they aren't too expensive. It kind of hurts paying like $21.50 + tax for one eyeshadow :/


Well-known member
Totally OT, but I've been seeing TONS of looks w/ MAC's Rebel l/s over Nightmoth on Instagram.. and it is GORGEOUS. Hehe.
I've seen those too! I love bright lips but dark ones are new territory for me haha but those pictures are quite tempting


Well-known member
Totally OT, but I've been seeing TONS of looks w/ MAC's Rebel l/s over Nightmoth on Instagram.. and it is GORGEOUS. Hehe.
I use Nightmoth under all my deep red, plum and magenta lipsticks! It's a long time favorite. It used to be one of those makeup "rules" that if you couldn't get an exactly match between your pencil and your lipstick, to always go for a darker shade of pencil. That's still a pretty good rule, since that deep color underneath will bring out the richness in the lipstick's color and help with that illusion of fullness - just use it over the whole lip, rather than just lining and blending the edges, if the colors are pretty different.


Well-known member
Good to know; I just ordered Rich Core from the Canadian site and bought Smut last week so I think I can pass on these EDES.
Love Rich Core. I'm thinking about Grand Galaxy but I'll compare it to the new purple first. I'd rather have the larger one for the price.


Well-known member
I've seen those too! I love bright lips but dark ones are new territory for me haha but those pictures are quite tempting
I've just started getting into darker lips and OMG I'M IN LOVE!!!
My "new" all time favorite dark red for fall is NYX matte l/s in Alabama! I was going to get Deeply Adored in MM but I passed after seeing this beauty (going to either grab Charmed I'm sure or Love Goddess instead) but just try it out, makes a girl feel instantly chic (at least imo it does)


Well-known member
So I've asked this before, but I don't think I got any answers and I'm really curious, so I just have to ask again: Can anyone please explain to me why people love the EDES? What makes them so special? I didn't pick any up the last time they were around, so I have no idea what the hype is all about...but if they're really that amazing, I feel like i should probably pick up one or two of them from the holiday collection?