MAC Huggable Lipcolour Collection (December 26, 2013)


Well-known member
i was taking some photos of the house today so I figured since I was at it, I'd snap a few of the Huggables - just have a little Centre of Attention on and nothing else so please bear with me :p


Rich Marron:

Fresh & Frisky (with flash but this is pretty much how it looks):


Well-known member
I bet its gorgeous on you pretty girl!!!
I'm so glad you got OFP and that everyone's loving it so much!

I actually have a couple of Sheen Supremes that are in the vicinity of OFP. Blossom Culture is softer than OFP, but related and one of my favorite Sheen Supremes, Full Speed, is brighter, but very similarly pink, when blotted down a bit. I love Full Speed in the summer - OFP is like the spring-y version!


Well-known member
Ahhh they all look great on you. I love touché. You're making me want it even more now!
Touché, Fresh & Frisky and OFP are my top 3 for sure!!!!! Touché is probably #1 of them all! These Huggables are just so darn good.


Well-known member
Love it on you!!!!! Such a pretty, feminine look on you!

Touché, Fresh & Frisky and OFP are my top 3 for sure!!!!! Touché is probably #1 of them all! These Huggables are just so darn good.
Thank you for recommending it to me!
I totally agree, they are such a nice change. I hope MAC brings them back soon or magically decides to make them permanent.


Well-known member
I hope you like it! What others did you want?
I purchased what a feeling at the counter on the first day and don't know why I didn't go ahead and pick up commotion and love beam. I didn't think they would sell out so fast. They might be at my local counter still so I'll have to check.


Well-known member
Holy cow! I ordered touche and at dusk yesterday and they just arrived at my door (3pm here) I didn't use a shipping code or anything. they must have had my order ready before I even ordered LOL Anyway, touche lightens my pigmented lips and gives me a peachy-nude sheen. Im love for everyday wear


Well-known member
Holy cow! I ordered touche and at dusk yesterday and they just arrived at my door (3pm here) I didn't use a shipping code or anything. they must have had my order ready before I even ordered LOL Anyway, touche lightens my pigmented lips and gives me a peachy-nude sheen. Im love for everyday wear :cheer:
You are really making me want touche now!!


Well-known member
I had two Rich Marron in my cart last night., but they were sold out this morning when I was ready to submit my order. My Macy's had one left so I will get that tonight after work.


Well-known member
have been trying to be good by not purchasing any but I think I may go for it since they look nice and balmy
I don't think touché gets the best performance rating as application goes... But I still like how they feel in general. I really love what a feeling!

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