MAC in China?


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

Quick question.

I have a friend who lives in China and she said she saw some MAC there that she would be willing to pick up for me and send to me as it seems cheaper.

I know it sounds god awful but I'm wondering if it would be legit MAC? My friend doesn't know anything about makeup so she wouldn't be able to spot a fake or genuine item.

If anyone has any idea can you please let me know? If it's genuine I need to figure out what I want and have it sent over because she's leaving to go back to the USA quite soon.

Thank you.


Well-known member
Ask her if its a proper MAC counter and what the set up looks like etc. I would also ask her for the price of something there and convert it to your currency and see if its in or around the same price as you would buy it in you country because MAC prices usually go up and down currency wise slightly but not dramatically! Like the difference in price betweetn MAC in US and Ireland is almost daylight robbery lol! but i think its because its a US company so i really cant see themselling it cheaper outside the US! hope that helps! keep us updated!