Mac Interview Make Up


Well-known member
I've been searchin

Go for a smokey night look with a bit of glitter OR go for a fun day look with a bit of colour?



New member
Visit the Mac website and click "Looks". Nothing shows off at an Interview better then obvious knowledge of current looks which you will need to wear on the job most days anyway (and any Mac interviewer would notice right away).

Good luck on your interview


Well-known member
Wear all black, make sure what you wear is clean, neat and trendy. Wear high heels. Wear enough makeup so that we can see you're wearing makeup. I would go for an elegant, polished look as opposed to a dark stripper eye makeup ( not that I dont love some stripper smokey eyes, I sport that look every other day haha).

Do your research on MAC ! Know a lot about the company!

Best of luck to you!

If you are selected to go on to the makeup interview make sure you recreate the look exactly as it is explained to other words don't add stuff because you think it would look better.


Well-known member
i made sure that i did a very clean look, b/c i wanted to show as much technique as possible and used as much MAC as i have. most MAC artist that i know or have met can identify any color, its actually pretty impressive! defiantly wear all black and know the brand (although i am not assuming you don't but i think you know what i mean
). when i talked about Viva Glam and Back 2 MAC, both the store manager and trainer were impressed. the trainer said i even went above and beyond her expectations. but most of all be true to yourself and your passion! you'll do great! good luck!


Well-known member
Make it fierce, clean and precise. Show off your skills! Nothing too neautral. Beautiful skin and brows and precisely done lips. I like the idea of a clor look for an interview. Oh and I would suggest wearing false lashes.
Your outfit shuold be fashion forawrd, add some cute accessories but don't go overboard. Try as much as possible to look like you already work there.
Go get em!


Well-known member
Wearing tons of glitter and smokey eye doesn't really follow what the trend is right now. Wear a look from the N collection and mention how much you like the new color and how you enjoy wearing the looks.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by amoona
Wearing tons of glitter and smokey eye doesn't really follow what the trend is right now. Wear a look from the N collection and mention how much you like the new color and how you enjoy wearing the looks.

The N collection isnt available in the UK yet, they just have the originals and viva glam looks on the website... Im going to do something similar to this for my demo tomorrow



Well-known member
^^^ that'll look awesome. If you need to spend 17 hours to look perfect then I guess you should b/c you wanna look PERFECT!