MAC interview *please help*


New member
So I have a interview in nyc on Thursday and im soooo nervous. I don't have any prior makeup experiance (they know that) but I have a strong retail management background and have wanted to get into the makeuo industry forever. I don't know what type of shoes to wear and im so nervous about the demo....any suggestions and tips would be so helpful.


Well-known member
just be passionate. there is a reason why you are's hard even getting that far! just be bubbly energetic excited and show them how passionate you are about the company/makeup but also why you would be an amazing addition to the mac team. it would also help if you had a portfolio ready so they could see some of your work. just going that extra mile can really be the "wow" factor.

when you are doing the makeup interview make sure you are "teaching" the gotta be a teacher too.

just BE YOURSELF =D ...dress in all professional black and make sure your makeup is in trend for the season (do some research on fall looks/ mac makeup trends/collections that just launched)

good luck!!!


New member
I have an interview this thursday too in NYC in the morning . I'm so nervous!! I've been googling and researching things , it kinda helped me out a little.


It's good that you have a strong retail background. Managers really take that into consideration. I've seen some awesome makeup artist come into the store and interview, but they we're turned down because they didn't have a strong retail background, and weren't talking to their model during their interview. Don't worry, you'll do great!


Well-known member
i had no retail background its all about the interview and the demo in my opinion if u can sell it like a mac artist that is the ticket


Well-known member
Please pay extra attention to sanitization which is essential.
Provide some information to your model/customer about products when you are demo-ing.
Be yourself and confident !!!!! Good luck