MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Had my demo today, there were 5 of us. They switched our models on us.. I think I'm the only one who expected it lol. Ill find out next week how it went. I don't know how many positions they're offering but seems like a tough call! I think everyone did well?? I tried to remember everything from sanitizing.. Getting her to look in mirror .. To giving info about the brush I'm using, along with the product and when I couldn't think of what to say I asked questions about makeup she uses, how she does her makeup etc. I don't know how anyone else did with that stuff. Wish me luck I'm up against at least 4 others I think! and I'm probably the only one who didnt go to makeup school .. Also, they gave us 50 minutes .. Do day look then right into night look when you were ready.
What did they tell you at the end of the interview??
Hi all! So I wanted to let you all know about my MAC interviewing experience thus far, as I find it to be quite different from others I have read about.
I turned in an application in November 2013 to a freestanding MAC store.
I was interviewed by one of the store managers in April 2014.
I was interviewed again by both store managers in June 2014.
I just had my demo yesterday at the end of July 2014.

I need to wait a couple of weeks to hear back I believe if I got the freelancing position or not, I can't remember what the trainer told me


I felt like a million bucks when I left the demo because, GUESS WHAT? It doesn't matter if I get the job, I felt great just having some one-on-one time with a regional trainer critiquing my makeup skills. It was awesome and I am so happy that I was able to get that opportunity. He was such a cool guy, wasn't intimidated or uncomfortable whatsoever. I hope all of your interviews and demos go great guys. I'll let you know if I get it! Bye!


Well-known member
Ah man! Good luck girl!! Had my demo Friday and haven't heard back I seriously get anxiety thinking about it
Thanks girl! I forgot to mention they didn't critique us or anything.. Soon as the time was up they let our models go and told us we would hear back next week (I believe they have another group tomorrow doing demos) I think one of the managers asked my model if she liked her look when I was to the side grabbing product but I didn't see them ask anyone else so who knows ! Good luck to everyone else waiting :)


Active member
Just had my verbal interview in Emeryville. 6 of us Pamela was really nice but I was nervous as hell lol... general questions about what we know about MAC. Lets see if I get a call back for another interview by nect week


Well-known member
After trying last year and not being hired due to scheduling conflicts, I've been hired as an on-call employee! I decided to re-apply since I'm going to school and am no longer a manager at my current job. I'm so excited. The process went super quick this time. I had my first interview last Wednesday, my makeup demo on Sunday and then my phone interview this morning and got the call for the job offer a few hours afterwards! Now I'm just waiting for my new hire paperwork to be emailed to me. Does anyone know how long that usually takes?


Well-known member
Thanks girl! I forgot to mention they didn't critique us or anything.. Soon as the time was up they let our models go and told us we would hear back next week (I believe they have another group tomorrow doing demos) I think one of the managers asked my model if she liked her look when I was to the side grabbing product but I didn't see them ask anyone else so who knows ! Good luck to everyone else waiting :)
Thanks girl. Today is Thursday and nothing I'm starting to think I ain't gonna get a call. Let's hope for the best and good luck to all my ladies out there
Woo hoo! Just got hired! 3 days after my demo....but 9 months after I applied...hahaha I'm wicked pumped! Hope everyone else has a good outcome as well!


Well-known member
Woo hoo! Just got hired! 3 days after my demo....but 9 months after I applied...hahaha I'm wicked pumped! Hope everyone else has a good outcome as well!
Congrats girl! Did you have a group demo?? I had 12 girls in my group interview and 5 at my demo (but they did 2 seperate demos..) wahhh


Well-known member
Woo hoo! Just got hired! 3 days after my demo....but 9 months after I applied...hahaha I'm wicked pumped! Hope everyone else has a good outcome as well!
Congrats girl! Still hoping for my call but this girl is losing hope. Good luck to you in your new endeavors
Congrats girl! Did you have a group demo?? I had 12 girls in my group interview and 5 at my demo (but they did 2 seperate demos..) wahhh
I didn't have a group demo, it was just me and the regional trainer at the training facility. Since it was only me it did make things more comfortable haha I HATE group interviews, I went on one unknowingly for a makeup job for a movie and wanted to kill the interviewer for trying to get us to "fight" for the job. Nope. I'm not very competitive! But since you had to go through that difficult group experience I hope that they'll be more apt to call you back, they just have more people to sort through now is all!
I filled out my new hire paperwork at the MAC I work at. I am not sure when you will get your email but once the paperwork is submitted it takes about 2wks to be processed


Well-known member
If I don't hear back tomorrow I want to call.. But what should I say? Ahhhh ;(
I'm on the same boat gf. I was supposed to be called since last week. Didn't get called. Got a text on Monday from the manager from the counter I will HOPEFULLY be working at stating that interview should be sometime this week. Tomorrow is Thursday and nothing yet. I'm wondering what's going on. I suppose you can call and ask how the process of your interview is going?...showing initiative really does make a good impression.


Well-known member
I'm on the same boat gf. I was supposed to be called since last week. Didn't get called. Got a text on Monday from the manager from the counter I will HOPEFULLY be working at stating that interview should be sometime this week. Tomorrow is Thursday and nothing yet. I'm wondering what's going on. I suppose you can call and ask how the process of your interview is going?...showing initiative really does make a good impression.
Well they said we would hear middle of this week .. Which is now . But there was no talk of a third interview or anything. At least you got a text! I was with a group so who knows if others have been contacted yet


Well-known member
So I noticed one of the other girls from my interview had a facebook status today saying she got hired ... No call yet ;( I sent an email but I'm pretty discouraged at this point and sad.. Because honestly I read so much up about it and I used all the sanitizing techniques that I saw other mac girls use plus what was mentioned here. And the one girl whom was hired .. Her makeup wasn't that nice at her interview.. And I just somehow doubt she knew to teach about all the products and continuously talk to her model Etc ontop of the sanitizing stuff. So I guess knowing everything doesn't always pay off. Boo .


Active member
Hi in the same boat... its been ovee a week and I haven't heard back from the recruite to see if I even made it to thr demo interview. .. Pleasantmacabre: Keep in mind the recruiter who interviewed us said they can teach anyone how to do makeup..its about passion and commitment to MAC maybe u will get hired its just they r super slow to get back to everyone


New member
Hey everyone! I went to Mac interview on Monday, and just like everyone I had to go through a 3 steps process, formal interview, verbal interview and a makeup demo. I got a called back the next day offering me a on call position at nordstrom Mac and a freelance at Mac. I haven't met up with anyone yet, I was told they didn't have any part time of full time. And that on call was what they had, I accepted it because it was my way in. In curious about how that works I know we get called in for events and stuff, but I work for tmobile and tmobile is known for the weird and not so stable shifts

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