MAC Interviews in the UK


New member
Hi guys,

I'm a newbie and I've desperately wanted to work for MAC for years. I have retail and makeup experience. The job opening I'm after is full time and I've read in a couple of places that they don't hire you for full time, you have to freelance or take part time, does anyone know if that's true/ has more information?

Help please!


Active member
It seems that in the US you have to start off as freelance before you can apply for any other position.
I've been stalking the MAC hiring process thread for a while now but most applicants are US and the majority started off freelance and very few PT. But definitely read that FT positions are for those who are already within MAC to apply again.

As for UK, there has been very few that i've seen but I think you can get hired as PT instead of doing freelance.

I handed my CV into MAC a week ago and two days later they gave me a call back, to tell me that they were going to arrange an interview in about 3-4 weeks time. (Not sure if they will call back, but I have my hopes up since they didnt really neccesarily had to call me to tell me they recieved my CV)
But anyway.... (SUPER NERVOUS AND EXCITED!) the manager called me just to say they (manager and assistant manager) are looking through CV's for suitable applicants to attend interviews including me (thats what she said).
She said that they have a PT position available, but if I wasn't successful for that, they were also looking for Xmas temps, and she said Xmas temps usually get hired afterwards for a perm position.

So im guessing in UK, they just hire you as PT, well judging by what she told me anyway. And I didnt think UK had freelance MAC artists? Wouldnt that be like, being with an agent where you get called on to do counter work not only at MAC but probs other counters too?