mac job/interview


New member
my name is sara. i'm 20 years old and i've filled out and turned in an application to my local mac counter a few months ago and never heard anything back. i then decided to go back in to ask how the process went along and the associate gave me the e-mail of their recruiter. her name is kimberly flanner and i e-mailed her as soon as i got home. a few days passed and i still didn't hear anything. i e-mailed her again and she replied the next day telling me to forward her my resume and that we could go from there. i emailed her back with my resume attached right away and i haven't heard anything back since. it's been almost a month since she has e-mailed me. my question to you guys is this, is it normal for the process to take this long? i'm trying to stay positive but i can't help but get discouraged. i've e-mailed her a few times since then and still no reply. does this mean she's not interested in me???

glammy girl

Well-known member
I'm not an expert or anything but from what I've heard, they do take time, alot of people have had to wait long periods of time before hearing anything back. One thing I would advise you not to do is email them all the time, they will get back to you so just take a break and turn in your applications at other Mac counters or other makeup brands counters. If you persist and continue to email, you could possibly jeopardize your chances and come off as being impatient. Don't mean to be offensive :) HTH


Well-known member
The process does take forever sometimes, especially if you are in a large region. What they like to do is to do interviews and new hires sort of in batches. Right now there may not be enough open positions for them to start a new round of interviews. They will get back to you in time. I know it sounds hard but go on with life until you hear back.