Thanks for sharing, Naynadine!
I like the promo pic but that hairstyle is a mess. The blushes are a definite
, but I like the majority of the stuff so far and that is awful news for my wallet. I'm still trying to get over the alien/Lancome hybrid packaging despite liking the magnetic closures.
Beautiful Moves - Pale mint with pearlized pigments x2
Dreaminess - Soft cool pink cream
Just Breathe - Shimmery light blue
Uninhibited - Shimmery light gray
Force of Nature - Shimmery brown
Perfect Topping - Shimmery pale peach with lavender marble (only if it looks like raspberry instead of the previous versions)
Maybe list:
Leap - Shimmery lavender purple
Loose & Lively - Peachy orange
Boundless Energy - Violet pink
Touch the Earth - Light wood brown (if it's an extremely soft version of either Styled in Sepia, Growing Trend, or a budget version of Tonka Imperiale RA then ok yes.)
Lightscapade - Shimmery off white with light pink/blue/yellow marble (only if the pink and blue marbling are dominant)