Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Yep, need them all. Look at those greens. whew!
Unbasic white is looking like vanilla p/g to me and I actually would like that.
Thx erinne.
its almost pure white, not like vanilla pigment.
Originally Posted by omgitzstephanie
Thanks so much Erine!
Which ones are your favourite? And how are the textures of these? TIA!
my faves (and i am getting) are all but style snob, fashion groupie and ego.
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Is Fashion green/grey?
yep. its kinda like silverthorne, but in starflash formula!!!
Originally Posted by Mabelle
strike a pose looks a little greyish and dull to me (in the swatch), is it like that in person?
. its a slightly lighter version of deep blue green pigment!
Originally Posted by caramel_geek
Hmmm...I'm thinking...that there might be some possible dupes from the prem line...
One-Off --> Swimming?
Rated R --> Bitter or Chartreuse?
Ego --> Da Bling?
And Fashion looks like the e/s form of Cakeshop shadestick.
Erine, what do you think? Or am I wayyyy off?
nope(darker than swimming, lighter than humid)
a bit darker than chartreuse pigment
nope (much lighter and more yellow)
fashion is kinda like silverthorne.
Originally Posted by caramel_geek
Are the texture and payoff as nice as the previous Starflash e/s?