MAC - MAC for Ungaro Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanayhs
Livechat continues to say that there is DEFINITELY a paint pot.

maybe the paint pot is online only or something


Well-known member
Originally Posted by rbella
There sure as hell better be a damn paint pot

If they said there is going to be a paint pot,they'd better back it up lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by panther27
If they said there is going to be a paint pot,they'd better back it up lol

Is that a THREAT?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanayhs
Livechat continues to say that there is DEFINITELY a paint pot.

It's anyones guess at this point, but I think alot of times, the people on livechat are reading directly from the update books when they answer questions about upcoming collections. According to the update book, there IS a paintpot, but as far as I know, they don't update the update book, so if there is a change to a launch, they may not have been informed. There are still people being told via livechat that this launches tomorrow, and we all know that isn't the case (at least in the US). I wonder how this launch got so screwed up... no one knows what's coming or when


Well-known member
Yes haha jk,but yeah,that would be too much of a tease for MAC to have info on the pp out and then just be like,it's gorgeous but you won't be able to buy it,we've changed our minds


Well-known member
^^no kidding.

"Here... weve made a gorgeous metallic beige paint pot dont get it.. nah nah nah nah nah"



Well-known member
Dang it. This is soooo confusing.

I feel like I am a keyboard warrior when it comes to this collection, can't seem to decide what I want or if I want it now that the dates have gone haywire.


Well-known member
The girl I was talking to tonight was talking about how much she loves the shade and how perfect it is. Also, it'd be really weird for Canada livechat to tell me about it if it was US-only.


Well-known member
hm... release, release why art thou so confusing?!

I was told Oct. 9 so I'll leave it at that. I trust my MA so whatever comes out her mouth, I'm ok with. hahaha... I also think my bank account will be fine with that since I'm doing double damage with S.A. and Creamsheen. BTW, I'm considering the shadows from this collection... so bring on those B2Ms!

About that damn paint pot... I didn't see it on the display.
I wish they do have one though. Bunny mentioned earlier that there would be one some time this month?

For some evil reason, I think the livechat girls are lying to you all. lol hahahah jk! They must be saying "these damn specktra girls are driving us crazy, how about a white lie?!"

wouldn't that be funny. LOL



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sanayhs
Livechat continues to say that there is DEFINITELY a paint pot.

Well, I was playing with the products on the display today and there was no paint pot. There wasn't even room for a paint pot on the display.

I asked the MAs and they said they didn't get any in. They hadn't heard anything about it either.


Well-known member
But there was no room on the display for the nail polish that came out with creamsheen either. I asked about it and my ma found it for me in the stock room.


Well-known member
i have been visiting the site continuously with nordstrom and saks, and have not seen this collection. (nordstrom does have gold fever up though). for the people who got them in stores? did you go to a counter in any of these places?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by noahlowryfan
is this collection really coming out today?

No, it should come out later also in the US.


Well-known member
Here is my latest live chat:

Bella: Yes, I am wondering when the ungaro collection is launching. I thought it was supposed to be online Tuesday, then I was told it was today. What is the actual U.S. launch date?
Barbara: Hi Bella. We anticipate it on our site Sept 30
Bella: does anticipate mean it will be on your site or that there is the possibility it won't? also, is there a problem with this launch? i have heard there won't be the essential beige paint pot? can you confirm whether this product is included?
Barbara: Sept 30 is the date I have. There is always the possibility of a site glitch but it isn't common. I assume we will have the entire collection and have not heard of any products missing.
Bella: do you still show that the paint pot will be available? also, is your information from the original update book or has there been additional updates?
Barbara: As an Artist, I cannot check inventory so there is no place for me to see if it is "available". This is the latest update I have received.


Well-known member
Ohhh I'm frustrated - was super excited it would be out today and nothing on the site. I wonder if I go to one of the stores near me if would be out already. I live in Northern NJ anyone know? Maybe I'll just call around on my lunch break and see if Nordstroms or Bloomies has this in yet - or if they have a date for it. Sheesh


Well-known member
I just thought I would let those know who are in Manitoba, Canada that this collection is not there today. Goldfever, Suite array and cremesheen are. The girl told me the next collection coming out was not until mid October. Hopefully that saves someone a trip if they were looking for this collection only.