Bunny, I can't see your fotd right now at work but I can't wait, I'm sure it's gorgeous!
Originally Posted by x.DOLLYMiX.x
Hahaha I love the name crushed boob
Soo much better than the real name, I really want crushed boob now hopefully I dont break out with it
What is everyone using to apply crushed boob ?? Sorry I just love the name lol.
I've used my 129 with a light dab and my fingers on another occasion. I'd use my 188/187 but I'm liking the placement I get with my 129.
Originally Posted by sherox
am i the only one who was disappointed by the e/s in this collection? i only got soft flower but i think i might return it because it's so sheer on me! (im NC45) i just got soft flower e/s, the beauty powder, & pastel emotion l/g i think i might go back for the pure rose l/s & the pink boob ccb everyone keeps raving about!!
I'm actually quite pleased with the pigmentation. I only have Soft Flower but have had no issues in building it up, with or without Perky as a base. It's exactly what I wanted Rio de Rosa to be.
It is quite soft tho, so one stroke won't do it. I use either my 213 or 239, and my 217 when I'm blending it out. HTH!