MAC - MAC Me Over Discussion


Well-known member
I almost.....ALMOST bought Avenue fluidline today. I was making an exchange, but A) I was in a rush and they were taking a while with the client before me and B) I realized that it's bascically a fluidline version of Blackline Pearlglide...which is beautiful, but I already own it.


Specktra Bestie
My local Mac store has just about everything except for Outre and maybe one other shadow. I was stunned.

Wow. Almost EVERYTHING is sold out in stores in these parts, although much of the collection seems to be available still on line.

Discovered today that the colours in Lady Grey actually look really nice with Blooming Lovely lipstick from Liberty of London last year.


Well-known member
oh honey with that gorg lippie everything looks good :p

Wow. Almost EVERYTHING is sold out in stores in these parts, although much of the collection seems to be available still on line.

Discovered today that the colours in Lady Grey actually look really nice with Blooming Lovely lipstick from Liberty of London last year.


Well-known member
Wow. Almost EVERYTHING is sold out in stores in these parts, although much of the collection seems to be available still on line.

Discovered today that the colours in Lady Grey actually look really nice with Blooming Lovely lipstick from Liberty of London last year.
oohh i have that lipstick so i shall be trying that out next week :)


Well-known member
A couple of fun Mac Me Over ideas:

'Did an eye look with Jade's Fortune MES on the lids and Evil Eye in the crease, under the eye and winged out in the outer corners. Palace Pedigreed in the tear duct area and Dark Diversion liner on upper lid. Great deep khaki look. I've been wearing this a lot with Runaway Red, Prince Noir, and Deliciously Forbidden and Seeds of Desire mattenes (would look great with Legendary, Potent Fig and even Rare Exotic too - also going to try it without the Palace Pedigreed but with a little Spellcaster along with Toxic Tale!)

Today, I used the excess Dark Diversion on my 210 to subtly feather into my eyebrows - now this is a really great look with my brows, which already are very dark, but not jet black. I let them grow in this past year and I use just enough Dark Diversion to give a little definition. The color blends in really great, giving a look that's softer than a black eye pencil, but still more dramatic than a brown pencil. If you have black or very dark brown hair, this is pretty awesome - I have feeling I'll be using DD for my brows more than as an eye I'm sorry I didn't back it up.

I've been enjoying the Evil Eye quad very much. Spellcaster looks fantastic over Imaginary p/p. Evil Eye is a perfect matte to wear with vampy reds, purples and browns, as well as with bright berry, pinks, corals and orange - it's got a strong look without being heavy or dark. Very unique color/texture combo for the fall. I tried Moody over Dangerous Cuvee p/p and that was really hot. Palace Pedigreed is interesting when used where you'd normally use a light frosty highlight, and is also really nice built up in combination with quite a few of the Semi-Precious MES and all the purplish p/p from Posh Paradise. I'm not a MAC quad collector in the slightest, but I sprung for this one and am very pleased - great combo of colors for green eyes, black hair and pale skin.
Thanks for all the looks. I will try these. I almost bought Evil Eye last week. I'm pretty sure I'm going to pick it up this weekend.


Well-known member
When I first bought Plum Fun, I hated it on me. But I just tried it on tonite, and it is an easy almost neurtal with a kick gloss on me. It reminds me of my fave lipglass of all time, Gaze, but without the sparkle. I told you all my lips were a funny color when this came out,and I think that is why I didn't like it at first. now I wonder how Prince Noir would have looked. Oh well. :)

Still loving my Runaway Red.


Well-known member
i love the glaze finish so much but think i shall skip plum fun. i really don't need another lipstick as i have been buying so many recently. i shall stick to eye and ace products!


Well-known member
Face products are my weakness. I don`t think I could ever have enough blushes, msfs, hghlighters, they are too pretty
msf's for sure - i love them all so much! however blushes i am not as wild on - i do like the ones i have but i never buy as many as i would eye or lip products :)


Well-known member
I used Moleskin again today. I am wondering how I ever lived without it before. It is my go to color for crease and blending out. I am actually considering a BU and since I never BU eyeshadows, because I cannot ever see the day where I would hit pan on one, but not sure I would want to live if I ran out of this. I am just being dramatic of course, but this is such a useful e/s!


Well-known member
I used Moleskin again today. I am wondering how I ever lived without it before. It is my go to color for crease and blending out. I am actually considering a BU and since I never BU eyeshadows, because I cannot ever see the day where I would hit pan on one, but not sure I would want to live if I ran out of this. I am just being dramatic of course, but this is such a useful e/s!
That's how I feel about Outre. That's hilarious to me b/c I started out hating it. I bought a BU because I don't want to be without it. If they ever repromote I will buy 2 more! It's the perfect "brown".

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