MAC - MAC Me Over Discussion


Well-known member
And thank you to Ms. Elegant--now I have to get Avenue f/l. I was just going to skip right over that one. I was afraid it was going to be a flat mousy brown and not a deep enough color.

Its a lovely rich deep dark brown! It makes the eyes pop & very sexy with the gold which is perfectly done.


Well-known member
I thought I had them, but it was a different package. But here is what happened, I ordered on MOnday (Tues?) and that night realized I gave them my old address and called to see if I could switch it. THe rep told me she would just send me out more to my current address and have that order returned. But when I look online at my order, it just says returned. I am going to call them to make sure, and if they messed up, have them call around to the stores and find the brushes for me.


Well-known member
Well, I had only planned on picking my my 226 brushes. However, I couldn't resist Carbonized or Stunner! I don't wear many browns, as a lot of them just look weird against my skintone. Carbonized is absolutely gorgeous, and will make an awesome smoky eye! Stunner swatched a bit sheer on my arm using a Qtip, but when the artist gave me a brush, it looked very nice, and blended out beautifully! I put it on as soon as I got home, using a 116. It is gorgeous against my NW15(ish) skin! It's not too warm, but definitely not cool. It really brightens up my face.

Oh, and my 226 brushes look good. They're a nice taper. They're not pointy like a pencil brush, but they fit in my crease very nicely. I have small, somewhat hooded eyes. Brushes such as the 217 are too large for my crease, and will deposit colour halfway up to my brow. These do not!

For anyone wondering, both of the brushes I picked up are Made in France.

Oh, and the Artist hooked me up with samples of strobe cream and lotion. I can't believe I've never tried them, but a lot of MAC skin products break me out. Also, she took my pre-order for Lightscapade and Porcelain Pink.

All this, and a 2nd Sephora opening in my city tomorrow. It's a good way to end the week :)


Active member
Anyone know a online code? I know...I'm idiot...I was so focused on the 226, I know I'm gonna regret not getting carbonized.


Well-known member
If you love nudes, try out Moleskin e/s over Seaside CCB. It gives you a great, fresh look - like 11 h sleep. It seems that the new CCB's dry down faster/better, which should help them to stay in place.


Well-known member
If you love nudes, try out Moleskin e/s over Seaside CCB. It gives you a great, fresh look - like 11 h sleep. It seems that the new CCB's dry down faster/better, which should help them to stay in place.

Ahh, that sounds like something I would love. The new formulation of the ccbs sound great. Can't wait to get my order today.

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