MAC - MAC Me Over Discussion


Well-known member
Oh wow. Fab combo! I love sumptuous olive. Do you have mythology or expensive pink? If so, how do you think they compare to mythical?

Hi there! I swatched these for you since I have all three in my stash. Here are three pics...first one is bathroom light, kitchen, and last pic is outside.

Top- Mythical Middle- Mythology Bottom- Expensive Pink in all pics.

Mythical is more bronze than Mythology, and the texture is the BIG difference.
Mythical is smooth and buttery(VP) and Mythology(Lustre) is very grainy. You can see the texture a bit in the outside pic.

Expensive Pink is lighter and has more peachy/pink and yellow/gold sheen to it, on me anyway. I am NC35 for reference.

Hope this helps!



Well-known member
I just ordered Avenue. I really hate buying just one thing, but I wanted to scramble in case it sells out again quickly. Hopefully I'll like it.

Great choice. Avenue is my favorite fluidline from this collection! I am sure you will love it! :)


Well-known member
I just ordered Avenue. I really hate buying just one thing, but I wanted to scramble in case it sells out again quickly. Hopefully I'll like it.
I think you'll like it. I love mine b/c it has such a wonderful complex look w/o the 'work'. Then again I'm a real lazy wench w/ makeup some days.


Well-known member
I think you'll like it.  I love mine b/c it has such a wonderful complex look w/o the 'work'.  Then again I'm a real lazy wench w/ makeup some days. 

I have the multi-colored aqua liner from Mufe, which I love, but I am lazy also. I like to just dip an angled brush into a gel liner and then I won't be so paranoid about messing up.


Well-known member
You missed out on the similar color from Mickey or you just want another?
Dark Envy was quite a bit different than Ivy, at least on my skin tone - plus it's less sheer. I'd never tell anyone to get Midnight Blues if they have Siahi, though - those two are almost the same shade except for the shimmer in MB.

Dark Envy, Midnight Blues and Avenue all made Dark Diversion look a little bland in comparison, I'll have to say. If you don't have that one, that p/p from Posh Paradise that looks similar might be a lot more versatile.


Well-known member
Dark Envy was quite a bit different than Ivy, at least on my skin tone - plus it's less sheer. I'd never tell anyone to get Midnight Blues if they have Siahi, though - those two are almost the same shade except for the shimmer in MB.
Dark Envy, Midnight Blues and Avenue all made Dark Diversion look a little bland in comparison, I'll have to say. If you don't have that one, that p/p from Posh Paradise that looks similar might be a lot more versatile.
pics from Posh Paradise have been released already? I am sooo out the loop lol


Well-known member
Do I need another mythical? Also what is the shelf life of the fluidlines? I may get another one, but I do not want it to go bad.


Well-known member
I love it too! Even though I have shadows that are close to it, it seems to have that something extra for me. The texture, the color, ok I need to order another one....

My opinion, YES! LOL! I looooooove this damn eyeshadow. ;)


Well-known member

here is me wearing mythical on my lids for those wanting to see.

in the crease i am using milani java and mac sumptuous olive and solar white to highlight. i am also wearing a brown liner

I am going to wear this combo tomorrow with my olive scrubs. Lou, this look is so gorgeous!


Well-known member
Ok, I like Outre much, much more now. I wore it on the lid with Hocus Pocus in the crease and black liner all around the eye. When I pulled everything together, I really liked it. When I tested it a couple of weeks ago I hated it, but I appreciate it now. I actually think it's better than the other Mac colors in the same family. So, at least it's not the waste of money I thought it was.
i'm glad you warmed up to it!!


Well-known member

Hi there!  I swatched these for you since I have all three in my stash.  Here are three pics...first one is bathroom light, kitchen, and last pic is outside.
Top- Mythical  Middle- Mythology  Bottom- Expensive Pink in all pics.
Mythical is more bronze than Mythology, and the texture is the BIG difference. 
Mythical is smooth and buttery(VP) and Mythology(Lustre) is very grainy.  You can see the texture a bit in the outside pic.
Expensive Pink is lighter and has more peachy/pink and yellow/gold sheen to it, on me anyway. I am NC35 for reference. 
Hope this helps!
Thank you so so much!! Ps I agree, avenue is the best fluidline in the collection!


Well-known member
JUST GOT MY BOX THIS MORNING!!!! WOOT WOOT! ( I know, we are lagging over here in the UK)

So, I love everything. I mean like "I want to order doubles of everything RIGHT NOW" kind of love.

Carbonized and Creamy Bisque are to die for and will absolutely become staples for life. Hazy Day from Lady Grey Quad is everything I have ever wanted a taupe e/s to be, and the other colors in the quad are beautiful too, even though the green one is an exact dupe for the mid tone green shade in Photorealism Quad, I have nothing like Tendersmoke and I don't loathe All Races the way most people do.

Stunner is ridiculously perfect on my neutral-cool pale skin (N1 is the only MAC foundation that matches my skin) and I need another one immediately.

Curvaceous is MLBB in the most subtle-cool way (although I do wish it was a tad more pigmented, I am still going to use the #@*!! out of this).

And Avenue I still have yet to try, but I know it will be fab. I probably won't back that up just because I dont reach for my F/L as often as I should.

All in all I am really impressed with the textures and colors of all of these, and seeing as how I am definitely veering into neutrals-territory on the regular these days I know I will use these all up. And THAT would be a first :)


Well-known member
Seeing as how I will be taking a trip to the MAC store soon to pick up all my aforementioned back-ups.....

Those of you who purchased shadesticks and have now had 2 weeks to analyze them, What's the verdict?

I am still interested in Street Cool & Cakeshop, and maybe even Heirloom and Butternutty. Would love to hear any advice or thoughts......


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