mac makeup test


New member
i had my interview went well and now will be booked in for the makeup test.
what is expected?
any tips?


Active member
With mine, they handed out a magazine tear out and told you to recreate the look on your model in 30 mintues, for my demo, gathering products wasnt included in that 30 mintues ( i know its different depending on the store/counter/manager) We had a maximum of 10 products to pull for the entire face look. Skin care didnt count into that grand total so YAY!
Just be super mindful of sanitation and be mindful to ask your model questions and show her techniques that you're using. Give her/him the handheld mirror so you can show them as you go along. Be sure to study up on your product knowledge so that you can explain to the model what the benefits and features of each product you use are.

If your model, or even one of the actual customers comes in while youre waiting to start, and asks you a question (since you'd better be looking like you already work there ;)) go ahead and tell them "I dont work here yet, but I can show you where ____ is and grab one of the artists to help you." This nailed it for me!

and MOST importantly, breathe. seriously dont freak yourself. Be confident in what youre doing and it'll go great!
If you drop something or forget something, dont panic, just do what you need to do :)

Hope this helps!