Mac - Maleficent (May 15, 2014)


Well-known member
Hmmm no bueno.. Thank you
Splurge on AA instead. AA is made for your complexion.


Well-known member
Hey everyone just thought I'd let u know I did a review on the Maleficent eyelashes if anyone was curious about them. The link to my channel is in my signature if your interested. Cheers!


Well-known member
What's the closest blue based mac color to true loves kiss?
Mac red had looked the same on me as true love kiss when i tried it on? Not sure if it is considered a blue based. Someone even mentioned ruby woo as a much more matte version of course of it.


Specktra Bestie
I caved in! I ordered the lipstick and gloss from Macy's along with my AA haul. With 15% cashback, why not? Here's hoping it looks nice on me.


Well-known member
I use The dramatically different moisturizing lotion under makeup, but It feels like it doesn't sink in well enough. At night I only just use coconut oil, which works really well. I wonder if I can pass using the coconut oil under makeup if i allowed enough time for it to sink.
I had the same problem with Clinique dramatically different moisturizing lotion. My skins is very dry and dehydrated but also ridiculously sensitive. It wouldn't sink in even after a couple of hours and it would just mess my make up up when it came to applying foundation. Plus it did nothing for my dryness. The problem I have is that I end up having bad reactions to alot of the moisturisers that help dry skin. I'm currently using Dr Hauschka rose day cream in the morning and Ren skincare global protection day cream (Ren do lots of great products for sensitive skin btw) at night and they are the best products I've found so far. Up until recently I also used Avene hydrance optimale riche but I realised it was giving me some kind of allergy where my eyes would water n my nose would be running constantly. So I've had to stop using it but it was very good for dry skin, sank in quick and was nice and light.


Well-known member
Not directed to me. But what would you recommend as a good exfoliator for really dry and sensitive skin?
My skin is the same and the only one I've had great success with is Dermalogica gentle cream exfoliant. It's expensive but it lasts a long time and I love it. You just apply, leave it for 10-15 mins then wash off. There's no nasty beads or scrubbing which aggrevates your skin more. And it really makes my skin look so much better and so smooth.

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