Mac - Maleficent (May 15, 2014)


Well-known member
Hahahahha i use makeup, candy, icecream, starbucks, cookies and shoes (Chucks are her fave!)!
Now it's makeup, clothes & electronics for my nieces.


Well-known member
  [COLOR=0000FF] Now it's makeup, clothes & electronics for my nieces.[/COLOR]
We got her an ipod when she was 5 to keep her occupied on the plane when she flew (she's been flying alone since then). My mom and i got her a kindle for xmas this past year. She better be content for awhile when it comes to electronics. Anything more her parents can get her!


Well-known member
I've had it since i was 14. Thankfully they found the right BC on the second try early on and I've had no issues with it. Sorry you haven't had as much luck. Have they tried BC? It made such a world of difference for me! But then again, I've been on it for almost 20yrs straight.
Geezzz Erine how much can one person take!!! Damn IC in addition to everything else---so unfair. To look at your
beautiful face no one could imagine what you're going through. Huge hug love!!!


Well-known member
We got her an ipod when she was 5 to keep her occupied on the plane when she flew (she's been flying alone since then). My mom and i got her a kindle for xmas this past year. She better be content for awhile when it comes to electronics. Anything more her parents can get her!
What a lucky little girl---and obviously very special to you!!!! Oh there's more---they want the cell phones & the iPads----OYE!


Well-known member
[COLOR=0000FF]  Geezzz Erine how much can one person take!!!  Damn IC in addition to everything else---so unfair.  To look at your[/COLOR] [COLOR=0000FF]  beautiful face no one could imagine [/COLOR][COLOR=0000FF]what you're going through.  Huge hug love!!![/COLOR]    :support:  
Thanks babe! :heart: It's sucks but I'm used to it. It's been one thing after another since i was 14. As soon as i get one thing taken care of, something else pops up, but i just plow right thru. Nuttin else ya can do but that!
   :lol: [COLOR=0000FF] What a lucky little girl---and obviously very special to you!!!!  Oh there's more---they want the cell phones & the iPads----OYE![/COLOR]
She definitely is! She's like a little mini me! She had asked for an ipod touch and the kindle for xmas, and i asked my sister if we could just get her an ipad mini instead, but my sister thought that 8 (9 in july) was too young. I told her that it's gonna happen soon. Betcha she'll get one this year! :lol:

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