Mac - Maleficent (May 15, 2014)

Dolly Snow

At this point, I wouldn't mind if everything was a repromote. At least we'd have info and something to look forward to. Harrumph.
Same here. I'd be glad if it was just re-promoted I missed out on this collection. I'd prob just buy the beauty powder for my sister and call it a day lol


Well-known member
So my I just saw my mac friend tonight. He told me it's a new collection. So if it wasn't more confusing!! Lol He said this was new and Playland is more of a pastel feeling than bright. He's excited for that collection. Here's to hoping huh lol Edit: I should have proof read after a night at the bar hahahha

Dolly Snow

Edit: I should have proof read after a night at the bar hahahha
Yup confusing
Time will tell by April we will more than likely know what is going on, for sure!


Well-known member
I'm so excited now!! I decided to ask mac after my friend said it was new! He's a store manager so I can't imagine him being wrong but yah never know!

honey b

Well-known member
Is it wrong that I'm already considering using a sick day to get to my store early to get first pick of the stuff?
I'm never around for online launches and by the time I finish work and get there it would be around 4 and I'm sure that'll be way too late. I just don't want to miss out!