Originally Posted by gigglegirl
I did it! Honey Light, Pollinator and Buckwheat (skipped the goldish one, I have a lot that I think I'll survive), Salve....and well a crap ton of regular items. LOL
I think I was a good girl, right? teehee so much for skipping this, these danged F&F sales so hit me when I'm weak!!!
I did it too! Ordered before seeing everything! Honestly, I don't think we can go wrong with the shadows.
So I ordered all 3 e/s, golden nectar and the 109! And it was cleared by DH this time, so no attitude when the package arrives, hehe!
Originally Posted by elegant-one
hahaha...see - while I was typing *press submit*...you were pressing submit
subliminal ordering
Your enabling powers go beyond the posts! *hums twilight zone music*
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I normally feel bad for our northern friends for the higher prices and everything,
That's right! We got f & f already!