MAC - Naturally Discussion


Well-known member
there is miss piggy and gareth pugh....

Yeah but miss piggie is online I think and mac uk online don't deliver to Ireland. Also we generally don't get the couture collection or the bright collection just after Christmas so that's why I didn't include them in my post :(


Well-known member
oh... ok. Well i dont think u r missing much with the pink eyeshadow.

Yeah but miss piggie is online I think and mac uk online don't deliver to Ireland. Also we generally don't get the couture collection or the bright collection just after Christmas so that's why I didn't include them in my post


Well-known member
^^ as refers the quality of Lightscapade v.v. the Old Lightscapade.. MAC tried to repro the old one, but the prices of the raw materials and production cost made it crazy expensive.. so the quality was cut back a bit.. and thus all the Beigescapades.

prices have gone thru the roof.


Well-known member
I know which one u mean but I didnt take that one into consideration... I did see that it lacked vibrancy and the color is not very unique... That was my fisrt eyeshadow from a dollar store when i was14
Well, the outcome of the reviews was expected...


Well-known member
They got the red and blonde msf's but not brunette :( sad
I'm loving the sound of Fresh Honey blush (Warm apricot.) And the mes sound so pretty. I hope they are lighter/natural duochrome colors that I've been lusting for!
Twilight Falls (Cool brown with bronze veining) sounds like it will look awesome with brown eyes.

The lipsticks sound pretty but also sound dupable. We'll have to see :) Everything else is a pass


Well-known member
They got the red and blonde msf's but not brunette :( sad
I'm loving the sound of Fresh Honey blush (Warm apricot.) And the mes sound so pretty. I hope they are lighter/natural duochrome colors that I've been lusting for!
Twilight Falls (Cool brown with bronze veining) sounds like it will look awesome with brown eyes.

The lipsticks sound pretty but also sound dupable. We'll have to see :) Everything else is a pass
yeah i wish brunette was coming back too because i haven't got that baby!


Specktra Bestie
yeah i wish brunette was coming back too because i haven't got that baby!

The OCD person in me is disappointed in this too, because it's the one that I don't have either. On the other hand, I've had the opportunity to buy it but said no because I suspect it wouldn't work on my complexion as well as the others.


Well-known member
The OCD person in me is disappointed in this too, because it's the one that I don't have either. On the other hand, I've had the opportunity to buy it but said no because I suspect it wouldn't work on my complexion as well as the others.
yeah i fear it could be a little dark for me but equally i have seen some paler people rocking it though! i think if it gets buffed out it will look lovely :)

I’m loving coral lips - todays specktra blog post


Well-known member
i never liked the brunette one. i already have blonde and redhead but i want BU , also i want all three blushes because they sound lovely.


Well-known member
Brunette MSF is amazing!!! I remember buying it before it was gone online and it was my HG product! I now need to use it again someday. I cannot wait to get my hands on Redhead MSF when thius collection comes out!


Well-known member
Let's hope that Blonde and Redhead in this collection will be the same (or close to) the original release.
I have never tried them though, so I won't even know the difference.


Specktra Bestie
Let's hope that Blonde and Redhead in this collection will be the same (or close to) the original release.
I have never tried them though, so I won't even know the difference.

I'm sure that when they come out, there will be no shortage of opinions on how similar/ different they are. There was tons of commentary on Lightscapade and that was originally released in 2006, before a lot of beauty blogs were established. These came out in 2009, so chances are that a lot of bloggers still have their originals for comparison. I'd expect that there will be no shortage of comparisons available both here and elsewhere on line.

I honestly have so much left on both my Blonde and especially my Redhead MSFs that I don't know whether or not I should buy back-ups. Sometimes, it seems like by the time I go through one of those things, the entire technology will have changed.


Well-known member
^^ as refers the quality of Lightscapade v.v. the Old Lightscapade.. MAC tried to repro the old one, but the prices of the raw materials and production cost made it crazy expensive.. so the quality was cut back a bit.. and thus all the Beigescapades.

prices have gone thru the roof.

I understand this HerGreyness, however, doesn't MAC know that we will pay the increased priced for such a sterling product in it's original form? I mean, look at the prices for their Couture Collections. If we can afford to pay this, surely, we can afford a high price for the original version of Lightscapade. Most people will buy 2 & then they'll have them for a couple of years. I truly hope that they repromo this with the original veining. I do like the super-nano-sized glitter & there (maybe?) being less of it, but I want the strong blue & yellow veining.

HerGreyness, do you know if these are made in Italy like many of the major vendors' baked products are?


Well-known member
^^ as refers the quality of Lightscapade v.v. the Old Lightscapade.. MAC tried to repro the old one, but the prices of the raw materials and production cost made it crazy expensive.. so the quality was cut back a bit.. and thus all the Beigescapades.

prices have gone thru the roof.

did you not say the reason they won't repromote Perfect Topping is for the same reason, materials make production costs not worth it? If only I had known that I would have snapped up all the ones I saw at the CCO about a year ago. Sadly I wasn't very MAC savvy then. I would have gotten some more Porcelain Pinks too.

I have traders remorse on Blonde and Redhead MSF, so I am looking forward to getting one of each!


Well-known member
I understand that cost may affect MAC's ability to duplicate a past product, however, they should not mislead their customers by calling it the same name... especially if it was such a hot and anticipated item. You're not going to tell me that they didn't know that the new Lightscapade would sell out in a flash! They took advantage of the past popularity of a product name knowing that they couldn't deliver the same product. And then to add insult to injury, they sprinkled a few beautiful ones around to keep everyone purchasing multiples in a "Golden Ticket"-like craze! I like my new Lightscapde well enough, and all of us MAC and MSF lovers probbaly would have purchased this even by another name... but they knew what they were doing and that's the only thing that bothers me about it. They misled to sell product because this new Lightscapade, for most, is not a Lightscapade at all.
Just really hope they don't do this again with these MSF repromotes. There was a much bigger time gap between old Lightscapade and new Lightscapade than these MSF repromotes. So, hopefully that means the cost to produce the product like the originals shouldn't have changed too much. Fingers crossed!


Well-known member
did you not say the reason they won't repromote Perfect Topping is for the same reason, materials make production costs not worth it? If only I had known that I would have snapped up all the ones I saw at the CCO about a year ago. Sadly I wasn't very MAC savvy then. I would have gotten some more Porcelain Pinks too.

I have traders remorse on Blonde and Redhead MSF, so I am looking forward to getting one of each!
It seems to me that worrying about the formulas in old products in the long run would be related to the expensive materials, which I bet are more often than not the pigments and the minerals being used. The good news is that the technology is evolving in ways that are allowing smaller quantities of raw materials, but processed into formulas with overall a more finely milled and refined finished texture with better wear and better build-ability. Overall, you're getting a better quality product from advancing technology and chemical developments, even if there's less actual cerulean blue mineral dust or the like.

Older isn't necessarily better, even if they manage to do the exact same formula or very very close to it. I, for one, would rather keep looking forward to the new stuff! Heck, that's why I got back into makeup after years of not following it - the technology was so drastically better, it was a whole different ball game and that got me excited.