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Cloudy Afternoon MES is described as cream with gold, grey, and pink veining, which is pretty accurate, though the pink is more on the lavender side. It reminded me of a warmer version of Hold that Pose, depending on how much gold veining you pick (or get!).
CA is on the sheerer side - again, this is similar to HTP - which makes it harder to swatch and photograph, but it is a very wearable shade. When I say sheerer, I mean that it is still opaque, but the color is not as vibrant as Summer Haze or Twilight Falls. It is a very smooth MES, despite the gold veining - and it is very easy to apply as it is so blendable.
If you like beige-taupes and golds paired with another color - in this case a lavender-pink - you will most likely be fond of CA. As it has a slightly warmer base with a cooler undertone, CA will work equally well on NC and NW complexion. IMO, it is a perfect Spring color as it combines cool and warm undertones.
What I like most about it is how well it blends with Summer Haze MES as SH emphasizes the gold giving a nice ombre effect on the lid.
There was a variety of veining available - I'm talking about those nicely defined veins - which should make it easy to pick one that you like the most. I grabbed one with more gold as I like how it counteracts with the pink-lavender veining. Simply awesome.
Cloudy Afternoon MES on top. I'm sure there will be better swatches. I blended the edges with Summer Haze to see how those two shades work together, so these two shades are a bit mixed together