MAC on Ebay???


New member
Like everyone I spoke to I thought buying MAC over Ebay would leave me disappointed by fakes or poor quality.

I was wrong!

A couple of weeks ago I bought 12 MAC eyeshadows from a guy in China and it was so worth it. I got them for £40 making a saving of £££'s.

Don't worry I'm not selling MAC online myself but I thought it'd be nice to let you all know that there's so genuine stuff out there for MAC addicts like myself.
Today I found this
Eyeshadows Eye Shadow 24 color New MAC set on eBay, also, Eye Shadow, Make-Up Cosmetics, Health Beauty (end time 09-Aug-08 17:27:58 BST)

which totally caught my eye! Just wish I got payed sooner.

Just again, this isn't an advert nor can I guarantee everything on Ebay is real. Thought I'd just share what I found


Well-known member
Definitely fake! It's not a good deal if your makeup is fake, and no telling what you are putting on face. I'd be very cautious!


Well-known member
If you're new to buying MAC on eBay, you may want to check out the Counterfeit forum for some tips on learning to spot fakes. There's A LOT of fakes out there, but there's some real stuff, too. It just takes time to learn to spot the real stuff and you can still get some good deals out there. Just be careful!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by glam8babe
this is spam

AND the shadows are 100% fake, anyone with a brain cell could tell that

I agree, I think they are promoting some loser's fake ebay auctions


Well-known member
Hmm ... the buyer has 1 feedback and the seller has ZERO. Sounds like one of those scams where a friend "buys" your item and then goes and spruiks it somewhere like here to try and drum up business. You're right glam8babe, it's spam, and bad spam at that. We're way ahead of you!


Well-known member
This doesn't add up. It says 'you wish you got paid sooner' but from the auction it looks like you bought the item yesterday. I'm a bit confused! I do think this is advertising aswell I'm sorry to say.

But if it isn't I seriously suggest you contact the seller, get a refund and don't use the eyeshadows. They are well and truly fake. File a report with Paypal and Ebay. The products could potentially contain dangerous chemicals and you certainly don't want them near your eyes.


Well-known member
Natalie you raise a good point - the OP says they purchased the eyeshadows "a couple of weeks ago" but the auction ended yesterday.

I think the best we could say is that they knew this post was spam but maybe not that they knew their product was fake - which they know now at any rate.


Well-known member
If you have purchased these, please be advised that these are definitely fake, as mentioned in several posts already. Please come take a look at the Counterfeit MAC forum - there are a lot of resources there for helping you ID the fakes.

If you happen to be trying to promote this ebay seller: No shilling please, as per the ToS. eBay links are not allowed to be posted outside of the counterfeit forum.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NatalieMT
This doesn't add up. It says 'you wish you got paid sooner' but from the auction it looks like you bought the item yesterday. I'm a bit confused! I do think this is advertising aswell I'm sorry to say.

But if it isn't I seriously suggest you contact the seller, get a refund and don't use the eyeshadows. They are well and truly fake. File a report with Paypal and Ebay. The products could potentially contain dangerous chemicals and you certainly don't want them near your eyes.

I took it as they bought 12 shadows a few weeks ago from the seller in China & then saw this lot of 24, and wanted to get it as well. Doesn't matter anyway, I'm sure it's just BS, like you guys have mentioned


Well-known member
^^I read it the same way, but which ever way it was meant it looks and sounds exactly like what glam8babe called it for - spam!!