MAC Online, At Counter, or Store??


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Nordstrom MAC Counter for everything I can get there.
MAC Store for eyeshadow pans and pigments.


Well-known member
Stores and if I just need to pick up an item then probably a counter, I love shopping online but with make up I like to be there in person.


Well-known member
It's always better to see things in real life before you buy but sometimes I'm just too lazy to go to the store, I have no excuse as I have both a store and a counter 10 mintues away from me but I usually buy alot of stuff online as MAC is nearly always sooo busy.


Well-known member
i've purchased from all three. nowadays i've been going to the freestanding store more often because it's near to my school. so i just go after/before school. i also go to counters at nordstrom/macy's because if i just so happen to be at the mall i can't resist not stopping by. i'll buy thing online if i've already seen them in person, and i just (for whatever reason) neglected to get them while i was at the store.


Well-known member
I do all major hauling at Mac online in the States and get it shipped over to save money. I do visit the counters here if I need to see a product on my skin, or if I just have a few items to buy or need to replace something I've used up. I also love to visit the counters just so I can ask for advice or recommendations, have a chat to the lovely girls and boys working there, and because sometimes they have things from old collections...

Like today for instance, I went in and asked if there was any MQueen stuff lying around because I wanted Haunting (which I got!!) and there was a whole drawer full. They also had most of the Blue Storm collection and heaps of other stuff that I didn't get a chance to look at. I asked the counter manager how long they kept older collections and she said sometimes up to a year! I'm seriously going back and getting her to show me what other goodies they have in there lol.


Well-known member
Either the store or the counter. Both the malls I'm in frequently have counters and stores so if the counter is missing something, I'll walk over to the store and vice versa.


Well-known member
I have used all three, and for various reasons:

-counter is usually the closest to where I live, so if I want to check out new stuff, I might head over there and take a look, or go over there to pick up a new staple, like foundation.

-store when I want to make a large purchase. I do this because the store tracks how much you spend and what you spend it on, so they'll send you mailers for upcoming events for new releases. Also, the service at the stores are ALWAYS much better than anywhere else.

-online when I'm not near a counter or a store, or if something isn't available in the store or at the counter. It's good for finding d/c items and ltd edition stuff.


Active member
online if I'm lazy but most of the time counter or pro stores cause I want to test out or see everything in person


Active member
There's a freestanding store three stores down from where I work in the mall.. I'm surprised they don't know me by name by now.


Sometimes I go to a counter but mostly online...the makeup artists at my nearest counter are a bit stuck up/annoying, and I don't like how I have to ask for every little item I want instead of just taking it a buying it (like at Sephora). Plus, I'm extremely lazy, lol.

rocking chick

Well-known member
I prefer going Counters to see and touch the items.

Unless I really really dont have the time to go down and my stuffs are running out, then I will buy online.


here in la its sometimes really hard to get service at counters, so i love the store because even though service there is a little bit slow too, there are still so many things to look at..

i'd love to shop online, but my dad would notice all the packages all the time

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